
林清隆 Chin-Lon Lin photo
Honorary Chair Professor
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Office Hours
Major Field Optical fiber communication,Lightwave Technologies and Optical Communications Systems,Photonics Systems for Broadband Information Networks,Broadband Access Networks (FTTP, HFC, PON, et.),Photonic Sensors for Biomedical Applications

2009 ~ current Director, Photonics Research Center at Nanyang Tech. University
2008 ~ current Visiting Chair, Nanyang Technological University
2003 ~ 2007 Chair Porfessor and Director of Center for Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
1997 ~ 2000 Director, Tyco Submarine Systems R & D Labs
1996 ~ 1997 Director, Bellcore (Bell Communications Research)
1994 ~ 1995 President of the Photonics Society of Chinese Americans (USA)
1984 ~ 1985 Visiting Guest Professor, Tech. Univ. of Denmark
1974 ~ 1986 Senior engineer, AT&T Bell Labs Guest Chair Professor, Zhejiang University, National Chiao-Tung University

1995 Fellow, Photonics Society of Chinese Americans, 1995.
1991 Fellow, IEEE, 1991 (IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, LEOS)
1986 Gowri Memorial Paper Award, (India) IETE (Inst. of Electron. & Telecom Eng), 1986.
1983 Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA), 1983.
1980 IEE (London, UK) Electronics Letters Premium, 1980, for the paper on the first proposal and experimental demonstration of dispersion-shifted single-mode fiber for high-speed long-haul optical fiber communication systems.
1971 IBM Graduate Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley, 1971.

Research Achievement
  [1]   Li Huo, Chinlon Lin, Yick Keung Suen*, Siu Kai Kong*, and Lei Jin, "Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Raman Scattering in a Liquid-Core Optical Fiber-based on Hollow-Core Photonic-Crystal Fibers (PCF)" at OWLS9, the 9th International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences, Paper O5-06, Nov. 2006, National Yangming Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  [2]   Z. X. Wang, Chinlon Lin and C. K. Chan, "Demonstration of a Single-Fiber Self-Healing CWDM Metro Access Ring Network with Uni-directional OADM". IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol.18 no.1, pp.163-165, Jan. 2006.
  [3]   K. K. Chow, C. Shu, Chinlon Lin and A. Bjarklev, "Polarization-insensitive widely tunable wavelength converter based on four-wave mixing in a dispersion-flattened nonlinear photonic crystal Fiber," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, March 2005.
  [4]   Anders Bjarklev and Chinlon Lin (Invited), "Photonic Crystal Fibers for Lightwave Communications-What is in the Future", IEEE LEOS (Lasers and Electro-Optical Society) Annual Meeting, October 22-25, 2005, Sydney, Australia.
  [5]   Chinlon Lin (Plenary Talk), "Photonics for Broadband Communications-Past, Present and Future", 8th OECC (Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference), October 14-16, 2003, Shanghai, China.
  [6]   Chinlon Lin, C. K. Chan and L. K. Chen (Invited), "FTTP over Cable TV's Hybrid Fiber Coax Networks," ECOC (European Conference on Optical Communications), Paper Mo4.1.3, Rimini, Italy, September 2003.
  [7]   Chinlon Lin and Kung-Li Deng (Invited), "Broadband Optical Access Networks," IEEE/OSA CLEO-Pacific Rim, Tokyo, Japan, October 2001
  [8]   Chinlon Lin (Invited), "Broadband Optical Access over Hybrid Fiber-Coax (HFC) Networks," IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Broadband Optical Networks, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, July 2000
  [9]   S. Ovadia and Chinlon Lin (Invited Paper), "Performance Characteristics and Applications of Hybrid Multichannel AM-VSB/M-QAM Video Lightwave Transmission Systems," IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., 16, 1171 (July 1998).
  [10]   Chinlon Lin (Invited), "Hybrid WDM Systems for High-Capacity Video Trunking Applications," 1996 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 18-21, 1996.
  [11]   Chinlon Lin, S. Ovadia, L. Eskildsen and W. T. Andersen (Invited), "Multichannel AM/QAM Video Systems for Hybrid Fiber/Coax Distribution Networks," IOOC'95 (International Conference on Integ. Optics and Optical Commun.), Hong Kong, July 1995.
  [12]   Chinlon Lin and W. I. Way, (Invited), "Optical Amplifiers for Multi-Wavelength Broadband Distribution Networks," ECOC'91, Paris, France, September 1991.
  [13]   Chinlon Lin (Book Chapter), "Fiber Raman Lasers," Chapter 7 in Tunable Lasers, Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 59, eds. L. F. Mollenauer, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987.

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
Academic Year Project Title Student
Year Deeds