
林敬舜 ChingShun Lin photo
Assistant Professor
PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California

Office Hours Tuesday 15:00-16:20, Wednesday 15:30-17:00, or make an appointment via email.
Telephone 886-2-2737-6372
Homepage http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/chingshl
Laboratory 互動式多媒體實驗室(EE-705-6右側 / Ext: 7214)
Major Field ˙artificial intelligence/ANN/fuzzy theory ˙audio-visual processing by deep learning,˙multimedia system development, including image and video signal processing,˙image retrieval using graph modeling, ˙ modeling of augmented reality and immersive system, ˙ multichannel audio rendering and visualization, ˙ virtual acoustics for high-definition audio delivery, ˙ room acoustics/ equalization/ calibration, ˙ adaptive signal processing for application involving hand-free noise-control earphones and microphones, ˙ biomedical pattern recognition ˙ soft computing, ˙ and their consumer electronics applications. ˙ Please visit my website for more information.
Course Multimedia Audio Processing and Practice, Computer Graphics, Introduction to Multimedia Information Systems, Object-Oriented Programming, Introduction to Computer Science

2007.02 ~ 迄今 Assistant professor of NTUST.
2007 ~ 2010 Reviewer of MXIC golden silicon awards
2001.08 ~ 2006.05 Research assistant of Integrated Media Systems Center (USA).
1999.02 ~ 2000.07 Instructor of the department of MIS at Kuo-Yuan Institute of Technology.
1998.06 ~ 1998.11 Design engineer at Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation.
1996.07 ~ 1998.05 Instructor of military training at Chinese Naval Academy.

2009 第二屆創新教學模式獎勵(校級)
2001 Scholarship from National Science Foundation (NSF) for 5 years

Research Achievement
  [1]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "High-definition audio spectrum separation via frequency response masking filter banks," Journal of Audio Engineering Society, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 807-821, Oct. 2009. (SCI, EI)
  [2]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "Removing additive noise via neuro-fuzzy-based reinforcement learning," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 124, no. 2, pp. 1026-1037, Aug. 2008. (SCI, EI)
  [3]   K. S. Hwang, C. S. Lin, and J. Y. Chiou, "A fuzzy CMAC compensator for sliding mode control," International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 273-284, 2002. (SCI)
  [4]   K. S. Hwang and C. S. Lin, "Smooth trajectory tracking of three-link robot: A self-organizing CMAC approach," IEEE Transaction on System, Man, and Cybernetics, part B, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 680-692, Oct. 1998. (SCI, EI) (cited#: 71)
  [1]   C. S. Lin, Y. H. Chen, and Y. N. Wang, "Partial update adaptive filtering based on head-related model for in-vehicle audio enhancement," International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo, Beijing, China, Dec. 2012. (EI)
  [2]   C. S. Lin, Y. H. Chen, and D. L. Shih, "Nonlinear calibration of the room transfer function for multichannel audio system," 25th Symposium of Acoustical Society of the Republic of China, pp. 151-157, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 2012.
  [3]   C. S. Lin and S. C. Chen, "Improved transmitter power control schemes for fading channel compensation," IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, pp. 569-572, Hongkong, China, Aug. 2012. (EI)
  [4]   C. S. Lin and Y. H. Chen, "Phase compensation for multichannel low- frequency response using minimax approximation," International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, pp. 182-188, Shanghai, China, Jul. 2012. (EI ,ISTP)
  [5]   C. S. Lin and Y. C. Chao, "Empirical mode decomposition based near-field equivalence source imaging system for sound identification," 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, pp. 1-5, Singapore, Dec. 2011. (EI)
  [6]   Z. C. Cheng, C. S. Lin, and Y. H. Chen, "Fast music information retrieval using PAT tree based dynamic time warping," 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, pp. 1-5, Singapore, Dec. 2011. (EI)
  [7]   C. S. Lin, H. C. Jhuang, and Y. H. Chen, "Phase equalization for multichannel low-frequency response based on Chebyshev approximation," 24th Symposium of Acoustical Society of the Republic of China, pp. 362-371, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2011.
  [8]   C. S. Lin, S. J. Hong, D. L. Shih, and Z. C. Cheng, "Instantaneously warping interval computation using low level intrinsic mode functions," IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, pp. 393-398, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 2011. (EI)
  [9]   C. S. Lin, J. S. Wang, and Z. C. Cheng, "Fast ensemble empirical mode decomposition for speech-like signal analysis using shaped noise addition," 4th International Conference on Interaction Sciences: IT, Human and Digital Content, pp. 112-117, Busan, Korea, Aug. 2011. (EI)
  [10]   Z. C. Cheng, C. S. Lin, and Y. H. Chen, "PAT-tree based DTW for fast music retrieval," 23rd Symposium of Acoustical Society of the Republic of China, pp. 105-115, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 2010.
  [11]   C. S. Lin and Y. C. Chao, "Spatial audio analysis based on perceptually empirical mode decomposition," 40th AES Conference on Spatial Audio: Sense the Sound of Space, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2010. (cited#: 1)
  [12]   C. S. Lin and D. R. Wang, "Spectrogram image encoding based on dynamic Hilbert curve routing," International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools, and Applications, pp. 107-111, Paris, France, Jul. 2010.
  [13]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "Synthesizing multichannel recordings based on adaptive spectrogram morphing," 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, pp. 156-159, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2009.
  [14]   C. S. Lin, D. R. Wang, Y. C. Chao, and J. S. Wang, "Audio identification based on reference-reduced model," 22nd Symposium of Acoustical Society of the Republic of China, pp. 61-68, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2009.
  [15]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "Design of phase equalizer for rational filter banks using minimax approach," IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 565-568, Seoul, Korea, Jul. 2009. (EI)
  [16]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "A morphing approach for synthesizing multichannel recordings," 39th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 64-68, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 2005. (EI) (cited#: 1)
  [17]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "Frequency response masking approach for designing filter banks with rational sampling factors," IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, pp. 99-102, Mohonk, NY, Oct. 2003. (EI) (cited#: 11)
  [18]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "Multi-frequency noise removal based on reinforcement learning," Preprint no. 5966, presented at the 115th AES Convention, New York, NY, Oct. 2003. (cited#: 1)
  [19]   C. S. Lin and C. Kyriakakis, "A fuzzy cerebellar model approach for synthesizing multichannel recordings," Preprint no. 5675, presented at the 113th AES Convention, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 2002. (cited#: 5)
  [20]   K. S. Hwang, C. S. Lin, and C. L. Chang, "Fuzzy cerebellar model articulation controller," Proceedings of the 2nd Chinese World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation, pp. 1536-1541, Xian, China, Jun. 1997.
  [21]   K. S. Hwang and C. S. Lin, "A self-organizing fuzzy CMAC for sliding mode control," Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, pp. 133-138, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 1996. (cited#: 3)

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client
Audio Enhancement and Restoration Using Gaussian Based Granular Synthesis 47.8萬 10008 10107 NSC
Development of Digital Stethoscope for Bowel Sound Detection and Clinical Application 10萬 10001 10012 TSGH-NTUST
Emotion Detection System Based on Audiovisual Signal Fusion 55.7萬 9908 10007 NSC
Sub-project supported by Ministry of Education - i-Space 31萬 9904 9912 Ministry of Education
99年度前瞻晶片系統設計(SOC)學程II 28萬 9903 10001 Ministry of Education
Multichannel Signal Synthesis and Hardware/Software Co-design Based on Virtual Technology 38.8萬 9812 9911 NTUST
教育部嵌入式系統設計課程推廣計畫 8萬 9811 9910 Ministry of Education
Development of Visual-Audio Aid Systems Based on Virtual Acoustics 62.8萬 9808 9907 NSC
Sub-project supported by Ministry of Education - i-Space 51萬 9804 9812 Ministry of Education
98年度前瞻晶片系統設計(SOC)學程 22萬 9803 9901 Ministry of Education
Sub-project supported by Ministry of Education - i-Space 58萬 9704 9712 Ministry of Education
Computational Music Scene Analysis and Synthesis Using Perception Based Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition 176.8萬 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 NSC

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
100 Fast Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition for Speech-Like Signal Analysis Using Shaped Noise Addition JyngSiang Wang
100 Nonlinear calibration of the room transfer function for multichannel audio system YiHen Chen
99 Reconstruction of Multiple Simple Objects Using Reduced Camera Set DaRen Wang
99 Near-field Sound Source Imaging System Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition YungCheng Chao
Academic Year Project Title Student
99 Emotion Detection Based on Intelligent Speech Processing Huei-Cih Jhuang
99 Software Development of Sound Patch System ChiRen Chen
99 High Definition Voice Morphing-II YunLing Chu
98 ZigBee Based Wireless Loudspeakers BoYeng Chen
98 Object Collision Detection Based on Ellipsoid Rendering DongLiang Shih
98 High Definition Voice Morphing KaiWeng Cheng
98 Reconstruction of 3D Environment FuShun Leu
98 3D Interactive Game Development Based on Real-Time Image Processing SyuJhih Hong
98 Physical Characteristic Simulation Based on Open Dynamics Engine Chun Chang
97 Virtual Mirror ChiMing Huang
97 Multichannel Audio System Design ChunI Yeh
Year Deeds