
林昌鴻 Chang Hong Lin photo
Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, U.S.A.
IB 701-1

Office Hours by appointment
Telephone 886-2-2737-6397
Laboratory Microsystems Lab.,Multimedia and Embedded Research
Major Field Real-time human action analysis, power and thermal-aware VLSI design, distributed smart cameras, service-oriented architecture, next generation computer architecture, computer vision and artificial intelligence
Course Digital System Design, Advanced computer architecture, Embedded system design, Programming Language, Intelligent Automobiles, Mult-core Processor Design, Logic Design, Algorithms, Computer Organization etc.

2019.02 ~ 迄今 Professor of NTUST
2013.02 ~ 2019.01 Associate Professor of NTUST
2008.08 ~ 2013.01 Assistant professor of NTUST

2012 國立台灣科技大學101年度教學傑出獎
2001 Fellowship from Princeton University

Research Achievement
  [1]   T. Adiono, R.M. Ramadhan, A. Putra, N. Sutisna, I. Syafalni, R. Mulyawan, C.H. Lin, “Fast and Scalable Multi-Core YOLOv3-Tiny Accelerator using Input Stationary Systolic Architecture,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 31, pp. 1774-1787, Nov. 2023.
  [2]   W.-X. Tsai, Y.-C. Li, C.H. Lin, “Skin Lesion Classification Based on Multi-Model Ensemble with Generated Levels-of-Detail Images,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 85, 105068, Aug. 2023.
  [3]   Y.C. Lu, T.P. Liu, C.H. Lin, “Two-stage single image Deblurring network based on deblur kernel estimation,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol.82, No. 05, pp. 17055-17074, May 2023.
  [4]   Q. M. ul Haq, C.H. Lin, S.-J. Ruan, D. Gregor, “An Edge-Aware Based Adaptive Multi-feature Set Extraction for Stereo Matching of Binocular Images”, ournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1007/s12652-021-02958-8
  [5]   P.-C. Wu, C.H. Lin, "A Green and Practical Color Photograph Printing Technology based on Color Difference Model and Human Perception", IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 649-666, Jan. 2022
  [6]   Y.-B. Chang, C. Tsai, C.H. Lin, P. Chen, “Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Dual Encoder and Self-Attention Mechanism for Autonomous Driving”, MDPI Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 23, 8072, 2021
  [7]   C.-Y. Hsu, L.-E. Lin, C.H. Lin, "Age and Gender Recognition with Random Occluded Data Augmentation on Facial Images", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 11631-11653, Apr. 2021.
  [8]   L.E. Lin, C.H. Lin, "Data Augmentation with Occluded Facial Features for Age and Gender Estimation”, IET Biometrics, Vol. 10, pp. 640-653, Apr. 2021, DOI: 10.1049/bme2.12030
  [9]   M.-Q. Nguyen, C.H. Lin, P. Chen, "Design and Implementation of a 256-bit RISC-V-based Dynamically Scheduled Very-Long Instruction Word using FPGA", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 172996-173007, 2020.
  [10]   Y.-L. Wei, C.H. Lin, “Efficient Weighted Histogram Features for Single-Shot Person Re-identification,” Journal of Signal Processing System, Vol. 90, No. 4, pp. 477-491, Apr. 2018
  [11]   J.-H. Luo, C.H. Lin, “Pure FPGA Implementation of An HOG Based Real-Time Pedestrian Detection System,” MDPI Sensors, 2018, 18, 1174, Apr. 2018
  [12]   B.-Y. Sung, C.H. Lin, “A Fast 3D Scene Reconstructing method using continuous video,” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol. 2017, No.18, Dec. 2017.
  [13]   M.-Q. Do, C.-H. Hung, C.H. Lin, “Robot navigation control using vision based steering wheel,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No.22, pp. 24569-24588, Nov. 2017.
  [14]   C.-H. Wu, W.-L. Chen, C.H. Lin, “Depth-based hand gesture recognition,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No.12, pp.7065-7086, June 2016.
  [15]   W.J. Wang, C.H. Lin, “Code Compression for Embedded Systems Using Separated Dictionaries,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 266-275, Jan. 2016
  [16]   P.-C. Wu, C.H. Lin, "A Uniformity-Approximated Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Image Enhancement," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E98-D, No. 3, pp. 726-727, March 2015 (SCI/EI).
  [17]   W.-K. Hu, C.H. Wu, C.H. Lin, ” Economic approximate-K color printing algorithm,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 151-166, Sep. 2014
  [18]   P.-C. Wu, C.-Y. Chang, C.H. Lin,” Lane-Mark Extraction for Automobiles under Complex Conditions,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 2756-2767, Aug. 2014
  [19]   M. Fallahpour, M.-B. Lin, C.H. Lin, “Parallel Photon-Mapping Rendering on a Mesh-NoC-Based MPSoC Platform,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 2626-2638, Jul. 2014.
  [20]   Y.-T. Peng, F.-C. Cheng, S.-J. Ruan, C.H. Lin, “Hash-based Linked-list Histogram Construction,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No. 5, pp. 1204-1205, May 2013
  [21]   F.-C. Cheng, C.H. Lin, J.-L. Lin, “Constant time O(1) image fog removal using lowest level channel”, IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 48, No. 22, pp. 1404-1406, Oct. 2012. (SCI/EI)
  [22]   Y.C. Wei, C.H. Lin, “A robust video text detection approach using SVM”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 10832–10840, Sep. 2012. (SCI/EI)
  [23]   F.-C. Cheng, S.-J. Ruan and C.-H. Lin, "Color Contrast Enhancement Using Automatic Weighting Mean-Separated Histogram Equalization with Spherical Color Model," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.7, No.8, August 2011. (SCI)
  [24]   C.-W. Lin, C. H. Lin, W.-J. Wang, “A Power-aware Code-compression Design for RISC/VLIW Architecture”, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics), Vol.12, No. 8, pp. 629-637, Aug. 2011 (SCI)
  [25]   J. C. Chen, C. H. Lin, “Improved Dictionary-based Code-compression Schemes with XOR Reference for RISC/VLIW Architecture”, to appear in IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E93-A, No.12, pp.2517-2523, Dec. 2010. (SCI/EI) (97-2218-E-011-016-)
  [26]   C.H. Lin, M. Wolf, X. Koutsoukos, S. Neema, J. Sztipanovits, “System and Software Architectures of Distributed Smart Cameras”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol.9, Issue 4, March 2010. (SCI/EI).
  [27]   C. H. Lin, Y. Xie, W. Wolf, “Code Compression for VLIW Embedded Systems Using a Self-Generating Table”, IEEE Transactions on VLSI. Vol.15, Issue 10, October 2007 (SCI/EI)
  [1]   B.-C. Guo, C.-H. Lin, “Single-Image HDR Reconstruction Based on Two-Stage GAN Structure,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Oct. 8-11, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  [2]   C. Tsai, C.H. Lin, “Enhancing Age and Gender Classification through cGAN-based Data Augmentation,” IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Oct. 10-13, 2023, Nara, Japan
  [3]   H.-H. Chaung, D.-W. Chen, C.H. Lin, “ Multi-language Text Detection and Recognition Based on Deep Learning,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, Sep. 15-17, 2021, Penghu, Taiwan
  [4]   S.-Y. Chuang, C.-M. Chang, T.-N. Lin, P.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Lin, H.C. Wei, “Satellite Image Dehazing using Enhanced BicycleGAN,” International Conference on Astronautics and Space Exploration (iCASE), Nov. 14, 2020, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  [5]   D.-H. Jian, C.H. Lin, “Vision-Based Parking Slot Detection Based on End-to-End Semantic Segmentation Training,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Jan. 4-6, 2020, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
  [6]   S.-Y. Chuang, T.-N. Lin, P.-Y. Wu, C.-C. Wang, C.-H. Lin, “Satellite Image Dehaze using Deep Learning Methods,” International Conference on Astronautics and Space Exploration (iCASE), Nov. 12-14, 2019, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  [7]   C.-W. Chen, S.-J. Ruan, C.H. Lin, C.-C. Hung, “Performance Evaluation of Edge Computing-Based Deep Learning Object Detection,” International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (ICNCC 2018), Dec. 14-16, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
  [8]   K.-C. Hung, C.H. Lin, “Iterative Superpixel Segmentation Based on Color Difference,” IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Oct. 9-12, 2018, Nara, Japan
  [9]   P.-C. Wu, C.H. Lin, “A Green Printing Method Based on Human Perceptual and Color Difference Model,” IEEE Computing Conference, Jul. 10-12, 2018, London, U.K.
  [10]   M.-C. Hsu, Y.-S. Lo, C.H. Lin, “Retinex Image Enhancement Based on Exposure Fusion,” IEEE International Conference on Green Building and Smart Grids, Apr. 22-25, 2018, Yilan, Taiwan
  [11]   J.-S. Tsai, C.H. Lin, “Gaze Direction Estimation Using Only A Depth Camera,” IEEE International Conference on Green Building and Smart Grids, Apr. 22-25, 2018, Yilan, Taiwan
  [12]   C.-H. Chang, C.H. Lin, “Age Estimation Based on ECG and Combined Features from Randomized Facial Blocks,” IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Oct. 24-27, 2017, Nagoya, Japan
  [13]   C.-C. Huang, L.-Y. Tai, C.H. Lin, “An Iterative Superpixel Algorithm based on Color Variances and Cross Seams,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, June 12-14, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan
  [14]   J.-R. Lee, S.-J. Ruan, C.H. Lin, “VoiceCode: A 2D Barcode System for Digital Audio Encoding,” IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Oct. 11-14, 2016, Kyoto, Japan
  [15]   D. Herjuno, C.H. Lin, “Intuitive Hand Gesture Design for Indoor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control, “International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Taipei, Oct. 28-29, 2016
  [16]   P.-Y. Huang, Y.-J. Lin, C.H. Lin, “Fast Image Completion Algorithm Based on Local Similarity,” International Engineering Forum, Feb. 20-22, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
  [17]   K.-L. Chang, C.H. Lin, “Hand Gesture Control for Interactive Interface,” International Engineering Forum, Feb. 20-22, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
  [18]   D. Arioputra, C.H. Lin, “ Mobile Augmented Reality As A Chinese Menu Translator,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, June 6-8, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan
  [19]   W.-L. Chen, C.-H. Wu, C.H. Lin, “ Depth-based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Hand Movements And Defects,” ISNE, Best Student Papers Award, May 2015
  [20]   M.-Q. Do, C.H. Lin, “Embedded Human-Following Mobile-Robot with an RGB-D camera,” IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, May 18-22, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
  [21]   I-A. Chen, S.-C. Wu, K.-L. Chang, C.H. Lin, "Real-Time Scene Structure Reconstruction," IGBSG, Apr. 2014
  [22]   C.C. Li, P.C. Wu, C.H. Lin, "Pedestrian detection using heuristic statistics and machine learning", International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing, , Dec. 2013
  [23]   Y.-L. Wei, C.H. Lin, "Single-Shot Person Re-Identification by Gaussian Mixture Model of Weighted Color Histograms," ISPACS, Nov. 2013
  [24]   C.-H. Wu, C.H. Lin, "Depth-based hand gesture recognition for home appliance control," 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, June 2013
  [25]   W.-C. Hu, C.H. Lin, "Field of View Alignment with Multiple RGB-D Cameras," 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, June 2013
  [26]   C.-Y. Chang,C.H. Lin, "An Efficient Method for Lane-Mark Extraction in Complex Conditions", in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Sep. 2012
  [27]   M. Fallahpour, C.H. Lin, M.-B. Lin, C.-Y. Chang, “Parallel One- and Two-Dimensional FFTs on GPGPUs”, in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification, Aug. 2012
  [28]   B.-R. Huang,C.H. Lin, C.-H. Lee,"Mobile Augmented Reality Based on Cloud Computing", in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification, Aug. 2012
  [29]   T.L. Bien, C. H. Lin, "Detection and Recognition of Indoor Smoking Events", ICDIP, April 2012.
  [30]   I-A. Chen, C.-H. Cheng, H.-Y. Jheng, C.-K. Liu, F.-C. Cheng, S.-J. Ruan, C.-H. Lin, “An Error-Correction Scheme with Reed-Solomon Codec for CAN Bus Transmission”, in Proc. 2011 IEEE Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, December 2011 (ITRI B5-10018-26-4, 99-2218-E-011-001-)
  [31]   W.J. Wang, C.H. Lin, “An Improved BitMask Based Code Compression Algorithm for Embedded Systems”, in Proc. 2011 International Symposium on Electronic System Design, December 2011 (99-2218-e-011-001-)
  [32]   Y.-H. Chen, H.-Y. Jheng, S.-J. Ruan, C.H. Lin, Z. Qi, T.J. Moir, “Scalable Matrices toward a Real-Time Adaptive Wiener Filter for Non-Stationary Noise Cancellation in a Car Environment”, in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, August 2011.
  [33]   W.-K. Hu, C. H. Lin, M.-C. Shie, ”An Economic Color Printing Algorithm Using Approximate-K”, in Proc. 2011 International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, June 2011 (98-2221-E-011-103-)
  [34]   C.W. Lin, C.H. Lin, “A Power-saving Code-compression Design for the VLIW Embedded Systems”, in Proc. 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, July 2010 (97-2218-E-011-016-)
  [35]   J.-H. Hu, C.-H. Wu, C.H. Lin, “A Middleware Design for Multiple Embedded Database Systems”, in Proc. 2010 International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, June 2010 (98-2218-E-011-016-)
  [36]   W. Wolf, S. Velipasalar, J. Schlessman, C.-Y. Chen, C. H. Lin, “Real-Time Distributed Tracking”, ICASSP 2007, April 2007
  [37]   S. Velipasalar, C. H. Lin, J. Schlessman, W. Wolf, “Design and Verification of Communication Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Systems”, ICME 2006, July 2006. Best paper award
  [38]   C. H. Lin, W. Wolf, A. Dixon, X. Koutsoukos, J. Sztipanovits, “Design and Implementation of Ubiquitous Smart Cameras”, SUTC 2006, June 2006
  [39]   M. Kushwaha, I. Amundson, C. H. Lin, X. Koutsoukos, S. Neema, J. Sztipanovits, W. Wolf, “An Object-Centric Programming Framework for Ambient-Aware, Service-Oriented Sensor Networks”, IPSN, April 2006
  [40]   W. Wolf, C. H. Lin, “Operating system concepts in embedded computing”, ASEE Conf. & Expo, June 2005
  [41]   C. H. Lin, W. Wolf, “A Case Study in Clock Synchronization for Distributed Camera Systems”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5683, January 2005.
  [42]   C. H. Lin, T. Lv, I. B. Ozer, W. Wolf, “A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Gesture Recognition”, ICME, June 2004.
  [43]   C. H. Lin, Y. Xie, W. Wolf, “LZW-Based Code Compression for VLIW Embedded Systems”, DATE, February 2004

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client
真實水下影像品質增強與水下物件偵測 800,000 11308 11407 NSTC
單一影像高動態範圍重建 743,000 1128 1137 NSTC
Detection and Recognition of Multi-lingual Characters Based on Deep Learning 856,000 10808 10907 MOST
Superpixel algorithms based on grid-seams and network analysis 1,503,000 10608 10807 MOST
低成本色彩印刷方式與視覺效果評估 705,000 1058 1067 科技部
多輸入多輸出智慧型可重組態之電池管理系統 - 子計畫六:結合機器視覺之嵌入式系統開發和控制(2/2) 720,000 10405 10504 MOST
多輸入多輸出智慧型可重組態之電池管理系統 - 子計畫六:結合機器視覺之嵌入式系統開發和控制(1/2) 690,000 10305 10404 MOST
使用RGB-D攝影機之互動式人機介面系統設計 594,000 10208 10307 國科會
基於OpenNI之體感骨架身形辨識及功率分析 47,000 10207 10302 國科會
手形辨識模組化設計 500,000 10201 10206 ITRI
多攝影機的座標同步與補償模組化設計 500,000 10107 10112 ITRI
智慧型民生能源管理系統研究與開發(3/3) 6,946,000 10010 10109 國科會
An Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Fast Hexagonal and Bilateral Filter 47,000 10007 10102 國科會
植基於雲端運算之行動擴增實境系統 hicloud CaaS VM 10005 10104 NCPO
車用積體電路的匯流排編碼研究 700,000 10001 10012 工研院
智慧型民生能源管理系統研究與開發(2/3) 7,030,000 9910 10009 國科會
Design and Implementation of Low-Power Distributed Smart Cameras 599,000 9908 10007 國科會
智慧型民生能源管理系統研究與開發(1/3) 7,006,000 9810 9909 國科會
Low-Power Distributed Smart Cameras for Human Action Analysis 661,000 9808 9907 國科會
IBM Cell & Pac Duo IBM Cell & Pac Duo平台各乙套 9808 9907 國科會
Low-power embedded system design using code compression 660,000 9711 9810 國科會

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
111 A Green Printing Method Based on Human Perceptual and Color Difference Model Pei-Chen Wu
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
112 Object Detection for Low-illumination Scenes Based on Enhanced YOLOv7 Architecture 林家顯
112 Two-Stage Debanding Method Based on cGAN Network 張惠深
112 Unsupervised Rapid Lowlight Enhancement via Deep Curve and Statistic Loss 楊旻熹
112 FlareDiffusion: Conditional Diffusion Model for Flare Removal 鄭子文
112 DGD: Distribution Guidance Diffusion for Scene Generation 莊家豪
112 Dual-Branch Vision Transformer Based Cross-View Geo-Localization 陳益誠
111 Combining Neural Network Decoder and Random Forest for Indoor Localization Akhmad Lutfi Rusidi
111 Design of a RISC-V-based 128-bit VLIW Core with Dynamic Instruction Scheduling 陳昱仁
111 Enhancing Age and Gender Classification through cGAN-based Datat Augmentation 蔡潔
111 Real-world Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Automatic Color Enhancement and Fast GAN-based Architecture 胡定緯
111 Dual-branch Face Forgery Detection in Spatial and Frequency Domain Based on Convolutional ViT Structure 謝宗豪
111 Image Demoiréing Based on YUV Color Space and Feature Residual Connection of U-net Structure 賴聖傑
110 Single-Image HDR Reconstruction Based on Two-stage GAN Structure 郭倍誠
110 An Encoder-decoder Network for Crowd Counting Based on Multi-scale Attention Mechanism 莊皓翔
110 Label Generation with Normal Distribution and Result Merge for Scene Text Detection 陳棣文
110 Two Stage Skin Lesion Segmentation Network Based on Attention Mechanism 李育誠
110 Underwater Object Detection Based on Enhancement YOLOv4 Architecture 劉京樺
109 Facial Expression Recognition with Deep Learning Based on Global and Local Features 謝宗廷
109 Two-stage Single Image Deblurring Network Based on Deblur Kernel Estimation 呂營程
109 基於雙編碼和自注意力機制之即時圖像語義分割 (陳伯奇教授共同指導) 張育邦
109 Two-Stage Single Image Deblurring Network Based on Feature Enhancement Architecture 劉子璞
109 Binarized Object Detection Model Based on YOLOv3 Architecture and Its Hardware Accelerator 黃偉倫
108 Face Spoofing Detection Based on Image Distortion Analysis and Optical Flow Features 吳星叡
108 Real-world Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Two-stage GAN-based Architecture 王稚淇
108 Skin Lesion Classification Based on Multi-Model Ensemble with Generated Levels-of-Detail Images 蔡唯翔
108 以現場可程式化閘陣列實現一以 RISC-V 為基礎之 256-bit 具動態排程之極長指令處理器 (陳伯奇教授共同指導) Nguyen My Qui
108 Data Augmentation with Occluded Facial Features for Age and Gender Estimation 林律恩
108 Monocular Depth Estimation on Hazy Scenes Based on Two-stage Data Augmentation 陳品光
108 Thorax Symptom Classification Based on Data Augmentation, Uncertainty Label Handling, and Multi-model Ensemble 劉員宏
108 Iterative Superpixel Merging Based on Color Differences Using Region Adjacent Graph 戴良豫
107 Vision-Based Parking Slot Detection Based on End-to-End Semantic Segmentation Training 簡德輝
107 Implementation and Comparisons of Performance and Efficiency of RTL-based versus OpenCL-based FPGA Reed-Solomon Encoder Accelerator 藍莉婷
107 Skin Lesion Classification via Semi-supervised Learning and Discriminiative Loss Function 羅翊修
107 Age and Gender Recognition with Random Occluded Data Augmentation on Facial Images 許家源
107 Deep Learning Based Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition on Embedded Systems 李庚澔
106 Pure FPGA Implementation of An HOG Based Real-Time Pedestrian Detection System Jain-Hua LUO
106 Iterative Superpixel Segmentation Based on Color Difference K.-J. Hong
106 Gaze Direction Estimation Using Only A Depth Camera J.-S. Tsai
106 Re-Design the OpenJTAG Adaptor by Using FT601 Chip 鄭博文
106 A Study of Performance and Power Consumption on Multicore Embedded Systems 曹爾習
106 Image Enhancement Application Implemented on an All Programmable SoC Platform 邱子耀
106 利用接縫剪裁之物件移除演算法 黃珮瑜
105 A Real-Time Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition System Based on Skin Color Region Locating Kai-Lun Chang
105 Age Estimation Based on Hybrid Features from Randomized Facial Blocks Chih-Han Chang
105 Retinex image enhancement algorithm based on exposure fusion Ming-Chih Hsu
104 Fast Image Completion Algorithm based on Local Similarity Y.-J. Lin
104 Droculus: A Real-time Stereo Video and Control System Using AR.Drone and Oculus Rift Sasongko Wahyu Kumoro
104 An Iterative Superpixel Algorithm based on Color Variances and Cross Seams 黃敬棋
104 Gesture Recognition Based on LBP and WLD Fusion Features for Mobile Robot Control Systems 洪健涵
104 Edge-based Sparse to Dense Disparity Algorithm Shih-Chun Wu
104 A Fast 3D Scene Reconstructing Method Using Continuous Video Bo-Yi Sung
104 Intuitive Hand Gesture Design for Indoor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control Dimas Herjuno
103 GPS Accuracy Improvement with Satellite In-view Visual Detection 吳國華
103 Design and Implementation of Multi-Channel WAVE-Format Audio Output in an Embedded System 張世昌
103 FPGA-based Implementation of Adaptive Background Modeling and Real-time Moving Object Detection System 許志光
103 Porting Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean to an Embedded Multimedia Platform: Cubieboard2 陳冠羽
103 Implementation of Power Management on x86 Systems Based on Face Recognition 李宗翰
103 Human Following and Gesture Recognition for Mobile Robot using an RGB-D Camera Minh Quoc Do
103 Depth-based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Hand Movements and Defects Wei-Lun Chen
103 Mobile Augmented Reality as a Chinese Menu Translator Dimas Arioputra
103 A Real-Time Superpixel Algorithm based on Two-Layered Grad Seams J.-L. Lin
102 Network Clustering Using Structure Similarity with CUDA Architecture Bo-Yi Wu
102 Image-based Dynamic Traffic Light Control on an Embedded System Rodney Yeh
102 Single-Shot Person Re-identification by Gaussian Mixture Model of Weighted Color Histograms Yu-Lun Wei
101 OFDM Application Using CUDA Parallel Processing Austin Cheng
101 An Efficient Method for Lane-Mark Extraction in Complex Conditions Chin-Yu Chang
101 A Virtual Interactive Manipulation System Based on Augmented Reality Bai-Rui Huang
101 Pedestrian Detection Using Heuristic Statistics and Machine Learning Chia-Chen Li
101 Real-Time Scene Structure Reconstruction I-An Chen
101 Performance Evaluation of the EXTOLL Interface Using High-Performance Linpack Kevin Chang
101 Analysis and Comparison in the Robustness of Digital Watermarking Algorithm 賴俊智
101 American Sign Language Recognition Using Principle Component Analysis and Dynamic Time Warping Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah
101 Mobile Book Cover Recognition Using Text and Feature Extraction Ronny Haryanto
101 Field of View Alignment with Multiple RGB-D Cameras Wei-Chung Hu
101 Depth-Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Home Appliance Control Chih-Hung Wu
100 An Economic Color Printing Algorithm Using Approximate-K Wei-Kai Hu
100 A Pyramidal Video Text Detection Method Based on SVM Yi-Chen Wei
100 Detection and Recognition of Indoor Smoking Events Tse-Lun Bien
100 Global Illumination Rendering on a Mesh-NoC-Based MPSoC (coadvised with Prof. Ming-Bo Lin) Mehrdad Fallahpour
100 Code Compression for Embedded Systems Using Separated Dictionaries Wei Jhih Wang
99 A Power-aware Code-compresion Scheme for RISC/VLIW Architecture Che-Wei Lin
99 Improved Dictionary-based Code-compression Schemes with XOR Reference for RISC/VLIW Architecture Rui-Chun Chen
Academic Year Project Title Student
111 智慧型攝影系統 廖真輝
110 智慧型攝影系統 楊智皓、詹振宇
110 車用深度學習影像辨識系統 彭冠傑、陳長信、王敬翔
109 智慧型攝影系統 游宇翔、莊家豪
109 影像辨識-健身動作偵測 鄭子文、吳祺楨
108 撲克牌辨識系統 游士和、楊忠霖
108 智慧型攝影系統 郭倍誠、石孟台、王奕順
105 智慧型攝影系統 簡德輝、賴優和、蔣勤
104 Design of a smart camera system 傅彥翔、楊嘉玟
103 智慧型攝影系統建構 麥凱鈞
103 數位影像處理專題 黃冠友
102 Design of a smart camera system 張裕凱
102 Design of a smart camera system 楊容瑋
102 Freescale Cup 自走車 (許孟超老師共同指導) 沈育宏、范綱炘
101 Design of a smart camera system 邱仕翔、羅子瑞
101 Design of a smart camera system 宋柏毅
101 Design of a smart camera system 謝耀丞、莊廷偉
101 Design of an Android based smart camera system 莊秉林、陳冠霖
101 Design of a smart camera system 洪建涵
101 Design of a smart camera system 鍾翔宇、廖品昕
100 Smart camera systems 張印廷、黃志遠
100 Smart camera systems 周軒廷、吳宗鴻
100 Smart camera systems 朱陳偉、黃宥順
99 智慧型多工導航車 林立元、彭敬鈞
98 Remote-control System Using G-force Sensor 張紘瑋、郭柏成
98 智慧型攝影機 -動物辨識 楊雅琇
98 全自動凸多面體三維表面模型重建 陳毅安
98 使用三軸加速度感測器之遙控裝置 陳讚、胡維中
98 Remote-control System Using G-force Sensor 鄭力行
97 智慧型攝影系統建構 張俊淯
97 視覺引導機械手臂操作技術 林全鋒、黃啟軍
Year Deeds
2024 IEEE Taipei Chapter 2023 Outstanding Thesis Award (Chieh Tsai)
2022 2022 Careerhack 線上校園黑客松競賽獲得C組第二名 (劉冠甫、廖彥瑋、郭倍誠、賴聖傑) (陳郁堂、陳永耀老師共同指導)
2016 參與執行「多輸入多輸出智慧型可重組態之電池管理系統」計畫,獲頒105年度科技部前瞻學術研究計畫特優獎
2015 Altera 亞洲創新設計大賽佳作(蔡唯翔、許閔智、黃敬棋)
2015 4C電子聯盟聯盟期末成果-跨領域應用專題展示特優(蔡唯翔、黃敬棋、許閔智)
2014 ARM Code-O-Rama設計競賽 Cortex-M平台組佳作 (Minh Quoc Do, 張凱倫,陳帷綸)
2013 101年度最佳專題(智慧型攝影系統建構, 宋柏毅)
2013 2nd Place in the 2013 ARM Code-O-Rama Design Contest
2010 Altera 亞洲創新設計大賽佳作(胡瑋愷、卞則倫、張俊淯)
2009 98年度最佳專題(視覺引導機械手臂操作技術)