
鄭瑞光 Ray-Guang Cheng photo
Distinguished Professor
Ph.D., National Chiao-Tung University
EE 705-3

Office Hours Monday, 13:30~15:30, Tue. 8:30-10:00 (email first to book time slots).
Telephone 886-2-27376371
Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/rayguangcheng/
Laboratory Broadband Multimedia Wireleess Research Laboratory
Major Field Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN), 5G/6G New Radio Protocol Technology, Beyond 5G (B5G), Internet-of-Thing (IoT) Transmission Technology (NB-IoT, DDS), IoT Platform Technology (Thingworx), AI-based Network Optimization & Data Analysis
Course Wireless Communication, Multimedia Wireless Networks, Experiment for InT Platform Technology, Linear System, Home Networking Technologies and Standards, Communication System, Data Communication,

2021.08 ~ 迄今 Adjunct Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ITB, Indonesia
2021.08 ~ 迄今 Director of Computer Center
2021.01 ~ 迄今 Membership Development Officer, IEEE Taipei Section
2019.03 ~ 迄今 Distinguished Professor
2019.02 ~ 2019.02 Co-work with ChungHwa Telecom to host 3GPP SA5#128 Standard Meeting with
2018.7 ~ 2018.7 Visiting Scholar, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
2018.5 ~ 2019.5 Independent Director and Member of Remuneration Committee, AAEON
2017.7 ~ 2017.7 Visiting Scholar, EURECOM, France
2017.08 ~ 2021.07 Co-Convener of 5G/B5 Wireless Networking Communication Technology Research Program of Department of Engineering and Technologies, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan.
2016.6 ~ 2016.9 Visiting Scholar, Czech Technical University in Prague
2015.02 ~ 2015.02 Co-work with ChungHwa Telecom to host 3GPP SA5#99 Standard Meeting with
2014.7 ~ Now IEEE ComSoc Training Instructor
2014.6 ~ 2014.8 Visiting Scholar, Czech Technical University in Prague
2013.7 ~ 2013.9 Visiting Scholar, Czech Technical University in Prague
2013.11 ~ Now IEEE Wireless Communication Professional (WCP)
2012.8 ~ Now Professor
2010.8 ~ 2010.8 Visiting Scholar, Kyushu University, Japan
2009.7 ~ 2009.7 Visiting Scholar, Kyushu University, Japan
2007.2 ~ 2012.7 Associate Professor
2007 ~ Now IEEE Senior Member
2003.8 ~ 2007.2 Assistant Professor
2001.8 ~ 2003.7 Senior Manager, R&D Div., BENQ Mobile System Inc.
2000.12 ~ 2001.7 Manager, R&D Div., BENQ Mobile System Inc.
1999.10 ~ 2000.11 Projector Leader, Broadband Wireless Communication Protocol Technology
1997.10 ~ 1999.09 Researcher, Advanced Technology Center, CCL, ITRI

2020 台灣科技大學109學年度「傑出研究及創作獎」
2020 Outstanding Teaching Award, NTUST, 2020
2019.12 指導學生楊博洋、蔡維軒、江祿檠、林至偉、黎柏雋、鄭宇婷,以「Pay-Per-Liter」獲「2019中華電IoT大平台創意應用大賽」IoT應用組冠軍(獎金25萬元),2019年。
2019.11 指導陳禹同、黃世宇、黃柏幃,以「Mosaic5G」榮獲「虎尾科大2019校慶全國學生專題製作競賽」,「大學、研究所組」電資類第二名(獎金7仟元),2019年。
2019.11 與設計系唐玄輝教授,指導學生楊博洋、蔡維軒、江祿檠、姜瓔育,以「智慧飲水機維修整合系統,獲「2019全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽」(「全國大專校院軟體創作競賽」與「全國大專校院微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽」合併) 鴻海特別獎-第三名(獎金5萬元),2019年。
2019.11 與設計系唐玄輝教授,指導學生楊博洋、蔡維軒、江祿檠、姜瓔育,獲「2019全國工業 4.0專題競賽」機聯網組第三名(獎金3萬元) ,2019年。
2019 與大安高工圖文傳播科陳怡君老師,指導學生許玴彰、岳俊廷、 游心慈,與大安高工學生邱易成、林君心、張棓棋,以「智慧電梯」,參加「第一屆技職校院大手攜小手物聯網創新應用競賽」,獲得優選(獎金3仟元),2019年。
2019 指導學生鄭有宏、林彥廷、白佳正,參加中山醫學大學「2019第四屆新創盃全國大專校院創意創新創業企劃競賽」,獲創新科技組佳作,2019年。
2018 World Class Professor (WCP) Program
2018 Distinguished Research Award, 2018
2017 Good Research Award of FY105, NTUST
2017 與工管系周碩彥教授,共同指導學生吳旭康, Yonathan, Aditya Budhi, Irene Karijadi, Yudhistira Chandra,獲「台科大8th 校園創意創業競賽」亞軍 (5萬元)
2017 指導學生范振凱、宋沛德、許凱昕,獲「第二屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」通訊獎 (獎金3萬元) ,2017年
2017 指導學生葉智元、郭曜銘、陳至忠,獲「第二屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」通訊獎 (獎金3萬元)
2017 指導學生陳芃威、林志軒、王蔚,獲「第二屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」企業獎 (獎金5萬元)
2017 與電子系阮聖彰教授、設計系董芳武教授,共同指導學生蔡維軒、楊博洋、楊東昇、何宇欣,獲「第二屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」優等獎 (獎金10萬元)
2016 Outstanding Teaching Award
2016 Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award
2016 指導學生程文志、黃俊憲、劉奕其、陸怡娟、鄭宇婷,獲「第一屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」佳作(獎金1萬元)
2016 與工管系周碩彥教授,共同指導學生歐陽志暉、溫靖輝、楊晨寧、許凱翔,獲「第一屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」佳作(獎金1萬元)
2016 指導學生邱冠期、李金輝、何宇欣、蔡維軒、吳旭康,獲「第一屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽」亞軍(獎金10萬元)
2015 Adviser of Ping-Chen Lin, 2014 IEEE Taipei Section Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award
2015 指導學生林澤偉、王姿文、黃昱勝、陳信榕參加「2015全國大專校院軟體創作競賽」,以「應用四軸飛行器於災區受困者定位」榮獲行動終端與應用組銀牌,2015年。
2014 指導學生黃威儒、黃新雅、劉澤翰、蔡博堯參加「2014全國大專院校軟體創作競賽」,以「救災臨時通訊系統」榮獲行動終端與應用組銀牌 (金牌從缺)
2014 指導學生林澤偉、黃昱勝、王姿文參加「2014軟體創作達人暑期成長營」,以「自然災害監測系統」榮獲優等
2013 指導學生許緯霖、林昞辰,以「支援GSM微細胞服務之負載平衡節能接取網路」,參加2013年第三屆全研科技論文獎,獲優良創意作品獎。
2013 Femtocell Telecommunication Networks, Third Place Award, 2013
2012 Skype Rolling Call System, Honorable Mention, 2012
2012 Skype-enabled GSM Femtocell System, First Place Award, 2012
2012 Chia-Liang Lian, Skype Traffic Classification and Analysis, IICM Honorable Paper Award, 2012
2011 Good Counseling Award of FY 99, NTUST
2009 Good Research Award of FY97, NTUST
2006 Good Teaching Award of FY 95, NTUST
2000 "3G Protocol" team: The "Top Research Team of the Year" of FY89, besting 100 other entrants of Industrial Technology Research Institute, 2000
2000 "3G UTRAN in Wireless Communications" project: The “Outstanding Technology Prize” of FY88, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.
1999 工研院電通所八十九年度即時性獎勵最高榮譽,“寬頻行動通訊協定技術”團隊
1998 "Best Industrial-based Paper Award” of FY86, Ministry of Education, 1998
1993 Member of Phi Tau Thi Scholastic Honor Society

Research Achievement
  [1]   Ruki Harwahyu*, Ray-Guang Cheng, Da-Hao Liu, and Riri Fitri Sari, “Fair configuration scheme for random access in NB-IoT with multiple coverage enhancement levels,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1408-1419, April 2021.
  [2]   Riri Fitri Sari, Ruki Harwahyu*, Ray-Guang Cheng, “Load estimation and connection request barring for random access in massive C-IoT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
  [3]   JenHui Chen*, Ray-Guang Cheng, Obinna Agbodike, and Yu-Syuan Lyu, “A dynamic backoff window scheme for machine-type communications in cyber-physical systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 31045-31056, Feb. 2020
  [4]   Ruki Harwahyu, Ray-Guang Cheng*, Wan-Jung Tsai, Jeng-Kuang Hwang, and Giuseppe Bianchi, “Repetitions v.s. retransmissions: Trade-off in configuring NB-IoT random access channels,” IEEE IoT Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 3796-3805, April 2019
  [5]   Ray-Guang Cheng*, Zdenek Becvar, Yi-Shin Huang, Giuseppe Bianchi, and Ruki Harwahyu, “Two-Phase Random Access Procedure for LTE-A Networks,” IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2374-2387, April 2019
  [6]   Ruki Harwahyu, Ray-Guang Cheng*, Chia-Hung Wei, and Riri Fitri Sari, “Optimization of random access channel in NB-IoT,” IEEE IoT Journal, special issue on Theories and Application of NB-IoT, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 391-402, Feb. 2018.
  [7]   Ray-Guang Cheng*, Zdenek Becvar, and Ping-Shun Yang, “Modeling of distributed queueing-based random access for machine type communications in mobile networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 129-132, Jan. 2018
  [8]   Ruki Harwahyu, Jonathan Loo, and Ray-Guang Cheng*, “Smoothing the drive: Critical access for intelligent transportation systems,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, special issue on Emerging Technology for 5G Enabled Vehicular Networks, vol. 12, no 2, pp. 60-68, June 2017.
  [9]   Doa Perdana*, Ray-Guang Cheng, Riri Fitri Sari, “Analytical study of the impact of the mobility node on the multi-channel MAC coordination scheme of the IEEE 1609.4 standard,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 61-77, Jan. 2017.
  [10]   Xian Wang, Keqin Li*, Ray-Guang Cheng, Pingzhi Fan, Xianfu Lei, and Rose Qingyang Hu, “Cost analysis of a hybrid movement- and time-based location update scheme in cellular networks, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 11, pp. 5314-5326, Nov. 2015.
  [11]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ray-Guang Cheng*, and You-Shin Lin, “Analysis of slotted-access-based channel access control protocol for LTE-Advanced networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 9-27, Nov. 2015.
  [12]   Ray-Guang Cheng*, Firas Al-Taee, Jenhui Chen, and Chia-Hung Wei, “A dynamic resource allocation scheme for group paging in LTE-Advanced networks,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.2, no.5, pp.427-434, Oct. 2015.
  [13]   Ray-Guang Cheng*, Nien-Sheng Chen, and Zdenek Bacvar, “Offloading multiple mobile data contents through opportunistic device-to-device communications,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 1963-1979, Sep. 2015
  [14]   Ray-Guang Cheng*, Dan-Wu Chen, Jen-Hui Chen, and Chia-Hung Wei, “Modeling and analysis of an extended access barring scheme for machine-type communications in LTE networks,” IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 2956-2968, June 2015
  [15]   Chia-Hung Wei, Giuseppe Bianchi, and Ray-Guang Cheng*, “Modeling and analysis of random-access channels with bursty arrivals in OFDMA wireless networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1940-1953, April 2015.
  [16]   Wei-Ling Hsu, Ping-Chen Lin, and Ray-Guang Cheng*, “Load-balanced green access network supporting GSM femtocell services,” Smart Science, Feb. 2015.
  [17]   Ruki Harwahyu, Xian Wang, Riri Fitri Sari, and Ray-Guang Cheng*, “Analysis of group paging with pre-backoff,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2015:34 doi:10.1186/s13638-015-0269-6, Feb. 2015
  [18]   Ping-Chen Lin, Ray-Guang Cheng*, and Yu-Ren Chang, “Dynamic flow control algorithm for LTE-Advanced relay networks,” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 334-343, Jan. 2014.
  [19]   Fang Lo, Yu-Feng Chou, Ray-Guang Cheng, Marek Kalika, Radek Holy, and Jana Kalikova “Generalized radio resource management for overlapping MBS zones,” Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 309-315, Nov. 2013.
  [20]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Shaio-Li Tsao, “Performance analysis of group paging for machine-type communications in LTE networks,” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 7, Sep. 2013.
  [21]   Yu-Feng Chou, Shin-Heng Huang, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Modeling information dissemination in generalized social networks,” IEEE Communications Letter, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 1356-1359, July 2013.
  [22]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ping-Chen Lin, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Comment on “An efficient random access scheme for OFDMA systems with implicit message transmission,” IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 414-415, Jan. 2013.
  [23]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Shaio-Li Tsao, “Modeling and estimation of one-shot random access for finite-user multichannel slotted ALOHA systems,” IEEE Communications Letter, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1196-1199, Aug. 2012.
  [24]   Ping-Chen Lin, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Li-Hung Liao, “Performance analysis of two-Level QoS scheduler for wireless backhaul networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1361-1371, Mar. 2012.
  [25]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Kuo-Jui Huang, “Resource allocation for overlapping MBS zones,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2011, Article ID 205612, 2011. (SCI, EI)
  [26]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Jia-Yang Hung, and Yao-Yuan Liu, “Power-strength-based selective-forwarding (PSF) method for multihop cellular networks,” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, 2010. (SCI, EI)
  [27]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Che-Sheng Lin, and Feng-Ming Yang, “Dynamic rate selection (DRS) scheme for UWB systems supporting video multicast services,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE), vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 727-735, July, 2010. (SCI, EI)
  [28]   Li-Fong Lin, Chung-Ju Chang, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “A predictive intelligent traffic controller for broadband multimedia IP networks,” Journal of Internet Technology (invited paper), vol. 9, no. 3, Aug. 2008.(SCIE, EI)
  [29]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Ruei-I Chang, and Kuo-Lun Hua, "IWTRP: Spatial-reuse enhancement of the wireless token ring protocol,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 701-703, Aug. 2007. (SCI, EI)
  [30]   Chung-Ju Chang, Ray-Guang Cheng, Hao-Tang Shih, Yih-Shen Chen, “Maximum freedom last scheduling algorithm for downlinks of DSRC networks," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 223-232, June 2007. (SCI, EI)
  [31]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Shin-Ming Cheng, and Phone Lin, “Power-efficient routing (PER) mechanism for ODMA systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1311-1319, July 2006.(SCI,EI)
  [32]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Chung-Ju Chang, Chih-Yung Shih, and Yih-Shen Chen, “A new scheme to achieve weighted fairness for WLAN supporting multimedia services,” IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 1095- 1102, May 2006.
  [33]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Cun-Yi Wang, Li-Hung Liao, and Jen-Shun Yang, “Ripple: A wireless token-passing protocol for multi-hop wireless mesh networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 123-125, Feb. 2006
  [34]   Cun-Yi Wang, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Jen-Shun Yang, “漣波協定- 一個適用於無線網狀網路上的分散式媒體存取協定,” CCL Technical Journal, vol. 114, Dec. 2005. (in Chinese)
  [35]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Shiao-Li Tsao, “3GPP-WLAN interworking using a novel access control mechanism,” Journal of Internet Technology (Special Issue on Heterogeneous IP Networks), pp. 261-272, July 2005.(SCIE,EI)
  [36]   Jen-Shun Yang, Chien-Chao Tseng, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Dynamic scheduling framework on a RLC/MAC layer for general packet radio service,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 1008~1016, Sep. 2003.(SCI,EI)
  [37]   Fang-Ching Ren, Chung-Ju Chang, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “QoS-guaranteed fuzzy transmission controller for dynamic TDMA protocol in multimedia communication systems,” IEE Proceedings – Communications, vol. 149, no. 6, pp. 292~298, Dec. 2002.(SCI,EI)
  [38]   Chung-Ju Chang, Li-Fong Lin, Song-Yaor Lin, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Power-spectrum-based neural-net connection admission control for multimedia networks,” IEE Proceedings – Communications, vol. 149, no. 2, pp. 70~76, April 2002.(SCI,EI)
  [39]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Chung-Ju Chang, and Li-Fong Lin, “A QoS-provision neural fuzzy connection admission controller for multimedia high-speed networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 111-121, Feb. 1999.(SCI,EI)
  [40]   Ray-Guang Cheng, “GPRS: The packet data service for GSM networks,” CCL Technical Journal, vol. 76, Jan. 1999. (in Chinese)
  [41]   Chung-Ju Chang, Chih-Hen Lin, Dah-Sheng Guan, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Design of a power-spectrum-based ATM connection admission controller for multimedia communications,” IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 52~59, Feb. 1998.(SCI,EI)
  [42]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Chung-Ju Chang, “Neural-network connection-admission control for ATM networks,” IEE Proceeding – Communications, vol. 144, no. 2, pp. 93~98, April 1997.(SCI,EI)
  [43]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Chung-Ju Chang, “Design of a fuzzy traffic controller for ATM networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 460~469, June 1996.(SCI,EI)
  [1]   Bo-Li Chang, Ray-Guang Cheng, Yu-Feng Chou, Yu-Yi Chu, and Chia-Hung Wei, “Service architecture selection for multimedia broadcast/multicast services,” The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction (MHCI’14), Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 2014.
  [2]   Shiao-Li Tsao, Chen-Wei Wang, Yun-Ciou Lin, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “A dynamic load-balancing scheme for heterogeneous wireless networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014.
  [3]   Ping-Chen Lin and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Dynamic two-threshold flow control scheme for 3GPP LTE-A relay networks,” The 24th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, UK, Sep. 2013.
  [4]   Ruki Harwahyu, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Riri Fitri Sari, “Consecutive group paging for LTE networks supporting machine-type communications services,” The 24th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, UK, Sep. 2013.
  [5]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Po-Yao Tsai, Ping-Chen Lin, Chia-Liang Lian, Tse-Han Liu, Hsien-Cheng Chou, Shiao-Li Tsao, and Shanchieh Yang, “Design and implementation of a Skype protocol analyzer,” First IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS), Washington, D. C., USA, Oct. 2013.
  [6]   Fang Lo, Yu-Feng Chou, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Generalized Radio Resource Management for Overlapping MBS Zones,” Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics (KTTO) 2013, Sep. 2013.
  [7]   Nien-Sheng Chen, Yu-Feng Chou, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Multiple contents offloading through opportunistic communications,” The 12th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL), Zagreb, Croatia, July 2013.
  [8]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Shiao-Li Tsao, “Iterative contending-user estimation method for OFDMA wireless networks with bursty arrivals,” The Eighteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Split, Croatia, July 2013.
  [9]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Firas M. Al-Taee, “Dynamic radio resource allocation for group paging supporting smart meter communications,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2012 Workshop - Cognitive and Machine-to-Machine Communications and Networking for Smart Grid, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 5-8, 2012.
  [10]   Yu-Feng Chou, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Hsin-Heng Huang, “Performance evaluation of referral selection algorithms in human centric communication networks,” The 15th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposium (WPMC'12), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 24-27, 2012.
  [11]   Ping-Chen Lin, Batzaya Ganbat, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Radio measurement for WiMAX At 2.6 GHz under campus environment,” 2012 IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 23-24, 2012.
  [12]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Chia-Hung Wei, Shiao-Li Tsao, and Fang-Ching Ren, “RACH collision probability for machine-type communications,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2012, May 2012.
  [13]   Yu-Feng Chou, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Fang-Ching Ren, “Code detection in a CDMA-based common channel,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2012, May 2012.
  [14]   Xian Wang, Shi-Jinn Horng, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Pingzhi Fan, “Call dropping performance of the relay station (RS)-first channel access scheme in LTE-Advanced relay networks,” 2011 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, Nov. 2011.
  [15]   Xian Wang, Shi-Jinn Horng, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Pingzhi Fan, “Call dropping performance analysis of the eNB-first channel access policy in LTE-Advanced relay networks,” IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2011), Oct. 2011.
  [16]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Yao-Yuan Liu, Wen-Yen Cheng, and Da-Ruei Liu, “Common feedback channel for multicast and broadcast services,” The Seventh International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC-2011), July 2011.
  [17]   Yu-Feng Chou, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Pei-Yuan Ku, “Advertising in human centric communication networks,” Human-Centric Communications and Networking Workshop, in conjunction with The Seventh International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC-2011), July 2011.
  [18]   Eugene Su, Ray-Guang Cheng, Jim Hsieh, Chang-Long Chu, and Chih-Wei Su, “Ns-2 based Emulator for Multicast Services,” 2010 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Aug. 2010.
  [19]   Che-Sheng Lin, Chang-Lueng Chu, Chih-Wei Su, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Dynamic rate selection (DRS) scheme for UWB system supporting video multicast services,” Intelligent Buildings and Smart Homes Conference 2009, Nov. 2009.
  [20]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Kuo-Jui Huang, and Jen-Shun Yang, “Radio resource allocation for overlapping MBS zone,” IEEE Mobile WiMAX Symposium, July 2009.
  [21]   Quang Vu Nguyen and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Enhanced Ripple (E-Ripple) protocol for multihop wireless chain-based networks,” the 10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 2009.
  [22]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Jiann-Jone Chen, Jian-Hua Lan, and Kuo-Jui Huang, “Measurement and analysis of Skype video traffic,” the 5th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium, Aug. 2008.
  [23]   Ping-Chen Lin, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Li-Hung Liao, “Performance analysis of multi-hop wireless backhaul networks supporting multiple-class traffic,” the 5th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium, Aug. 2008.
  [24]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Ruei-I Chang, “Improved wireless token ring protocol (IWTRP) for multi-hop wireless metropolitan area networks,” IEEE VTC2007-Spring, April 2007.
  [25]   Li-Hung Liao, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Kuo-Lun Hua, “Location-independent scheduling mechanism for multi-hop wireless backhaul networks,” IEEE VTC2007-Spring, April 2007.
  [26]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Jia-Yang Hung, “Power-strength-based selective-forwarding (PSF) method for multihop cellular networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2007.
  [27]   Li-Hung Liao, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Kuo-Lun Hua, “Analysis of the virtual-timestamp-based scheduling for multi-hop wireless backhaul networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2007.
  [28]   Kwang-Cheng Chen, Ray-Guang Cheng, Da-Shan Shiu, Ramjee Prasad, Shihi Chen, “Self-organizing terminal architecture for consumer networks,” 2007 Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on Communication Technology, Nov. 2007.
  [29]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Wei-Jun Wang, “Rate-adaptive layered multicast (RALM) for WiMAX video services,” 2007 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-06), Dec. 2007. (also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, vol. 4808, pp.379-388, 2007.
  [30]   Kuo-Lun Hua and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Performance evaluation of 802.11e over multihop WiFi mesh networks,” The 2nd Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks, August 2006.
  [31]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Jia-Yang Hung, and Yao-Yuan Liu, “Power-efficient route discovery (PERD) for ODMA systems,” 2006 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-06), August 2006. (also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, vol. 4096, pp. 824-833, Aug. 2006.
  [32]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Cun-Yi Wang, and Li-Hung Liao, "Ripple: A distributed medium access protocol for multi-hop wireless mesh networks," IEEE VTC2006-Spring, May 2006.
  [33]   Jyun-Yuan Cheng, Shanq-Jang Ruan, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Teng-Tai Hsu, “PADCP: Power-aware dynamic clustering protocol for wireless sensor network,” The third IEEE and IFIP International Conference on wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN), April 2006.
  [34]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Shin-Ming Cheng, and Phone Lin, “Power-efficient routing (PER) mechanism for ODMA systems,” IEEE International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications, and Mobile Computing (WirelessCom), June 2005.
  [35]   Hao-Tang Shih, Chung-Ju Chang, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Yih-Shen Chen, “A novel downlink scheduling algorithm for DSRC networks supporting ITS applications,” 5th Internal Conference on ITS Telecommunications, June 2005.
  [36]   Jen-Shun Yang, Chien-Chao Tseng, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “A signal-to-interference ratio based downlink scheduling scheme for WCDMA mobile communication system,” IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), vol. 1, pp. 570-575, March 2005.
  [37]   Li-Fong Lin, Ning-You Yan, Chung-Ju Chang, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “An enhanced traffic marker for DiffServ networks,” pp. 432-442, ICOIN 2005, (Best Paper Award, also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, vol. 3391, pp. 432-442, Jan. 2005.
  [38]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Shiao-Li Tsao, “3G-based access control for 3GPP-WLAN interworking,” IEEE VTC2004-Spring, pp. 2967-2971, May 2004.
  [39]   Chih-Yung Shih, Yih-Shen Chen, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chung-Ju Chang, "An power-efficient MAC protocol for integrated voice and data services over 802.11e HCF," IEEE VTC2004-Spring, pp. 2032-2036, May 2004.
  [40]   Chih-Yung Shih, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chung-Ju Chang, “Achieving weighted fairness for wireless multimedia services,” IEEE VTC2003-Fall, pp. 2381-2385, Oct. 2003.
  [41]   Chih-Yung Shih, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chung-Ju Chang, “Achieving weighted fairness for wireless multimedia services,” IEEE VTC2003-Fall, pp. 2381 - 2385, Oct. 2003.
  [42]   Yu-Fu Fan, Sherman Wang, Chi-An Su, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “3G Node B developing experience,” 8th Mobile Computing Workshop, March 2002.
  [43]   Jen-Shun Yang, Chien-Chao Tseng, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Dynamic scheduling framework on RLC/MAC layer for general packet radio service,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing System, pp. 441~447, Apr. 2001.
  [44]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Phone Lin, “OVSF code channel assignment for IMT-2000,” IEEE VTC2000-Spring, vol.3, pp. 2188~2192, May 2000.
  [45]   Ming-Hung Lin, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chiung-Shien Wu, “Supporting broadband, mobile, high-speed multimedia services based on TDMA MAC protocol,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 1, pp. 992~997, Oct. 1999.
  [46]   Li-Fung Chang, Vijay Varma, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Architecture alternatives for PCS-to-internet protocol interworking,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), no. 1, pp. 766~770, Sep. 1999.
  [47]   Fang-Ching Ren, Chung-Ju Chang, and Ray-Guang Cheng, “An intelligent transmission controller for TDMA/PRMA wireless multimedia communication systems,” IEEE VTC'99-Fall, pp. 406-410, Sep. 1999.
  [48]   Ray-Guang Cheng, “A code management mechanism for WCDMA mobile communication networks,” International Workshop on Mobile Communications, pp. 348~353, June 1999.
  [49]   Chiung-Shien Wu and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Performance of GPRS MAC protocol in dynamic TDD mode,” IEEE VTC'99-Spring, vol. 1, pp. 332~336, March 1999.
  [50]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Chiung-Shien Wu, Ming-Hung Lin, Mei-Chian Liu, Jiann-Hung Lin, Haung-Ru Lan, and Chih-Chin Liu, “BMW overall architecture and prototyping,” IEEE VTC'99-Spring, vol. 2, pp. 1350~1354, March 1999.
  [51]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Fang-Ching Ren, and Chung-Ju Chang, “Single reservation v.s multiple reservation schemes for multiple channel slotted ALOHA system,” ICOIN-13, pp. 6D-3.1~6D-3.5, Jan. 1999.
  [52]   Li-Fong Lin, Zohn-Shiun Eul, and Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chung-Ju Chang, “Implementation of an admission controller for high-speed multimedia networks,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 254~255, May 1998.
  [53]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Chiung-Shien Wu, “General packet radio service - A packet switched technology for data communication over GSM network,” Fourth International Symposium on Real-Time and Media System, pp. 153~160, 1998.
  [54]   Chung-Ju Chang, Song-Yoar Lin, Yow-Ren Shiue, and Ray-Guang Cheng, "A power-spectrum based neural fuzzy connection admission mechanism for ATM networks," IEEE ICC'97, vol. 3, pp. 1709~1713, June 1997.
  [55]   Chung-Ju Chang, Chih-Feng Juan, Yung-Chih Lin, and Ray-Guang Cheng, "Design of a fuzzy usage parameter controller (FUPC) for ATM networks," IEEE ICC'97, vol. 1, pp. 215~219, June 1997.
  [56]   Chung-Ju Chang, Song-Yaor Lin, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Yow-Ren Shiue, “PSD-based neural-net connection admission control,” IEEE INFOCOM'97, vol. 3, pp. 955~962, April 1997.
  [57]   Chung-Ju Chang, Hung-Ming Chi, and Ray-Guang Cheng, "A power-spectrum based connection admission control for ATM networks," IEEE ICC'96, vol. 2, pp. 637~641, June 1996.
  [58]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Chung-Ju Chang, “A neural-net based fuzzy admission controller for an ATM network,” IEEE INFOCOM'96, vol. 2, pp. 777~784, March 1996.
  [59]   Chung-Ju Chang and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Traffic control in an ATM network using fuzzy set theory,” IEEE INFOCOM'94, vol. 3, pp. 1200~1207, June 1994.
  [60]   Chung-Ju Chang and Ray-Guang Cheng, “Congestion control in ATM networks using fuzzy set theory,” Proc. of International Symposium on Communications, vol. 1, pp. 2-19~2-26, Dec. 1993.
  [1]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Yu-Feng Chou, Methods and Systems for Multi-user Detection in CDMA-based Common Channels and Computer Program Products Thereof, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. I404346, 2013/2/21~2029/11/11 (Assignee: ITRI)
  [2]   Fang-Ching Ren, Ray-Guang Cheng, Chie-Ming Chou, and Kun-Ying Hsieh, Systems and methods for channel selection management in a wireless communication network, US Patent No.: 8,433,319, 2008/1~2028/1 (Assignee: ITRI)
  [3]   鄭瑞光、黃國瑞、楊人順,具有用於使多播與廣播服務區段重疊之資源管理的通信系統及方法,中華民國發明專利I387376, 2013/2/21~2029/11/25. (專利權人:台灣科技大學、工研院) (申請日:2009/11/20、申請號:98140364、公告日:2013/2/21)
  [4]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Kuo-Jui Huang, and Jen-Shun Yang, Communication systems and methods with resource management for overlapping multicast and broadcast service zones, US Patent No.: 8,385,247, 2009/11~2029/11 (Assignee: ITRI)
  [5]   鄭瑞光、林?辰,允入控制器及其方法與其多躍式無線骨幹網路系統,中華民國發明專利I385976, 2009/1/19~2029/1/18. (Assignee: NTUST)
  [6]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Method and apparatus for receiving feedback corresponding to multicast broadcast service, US Patent No.: 8,111,710B2, 2011/7~2026/7 (Assignee: NTUST)
  [7]   任芳慶、鄭瑞光、周建銘、謝坤穎,無線通信網路中供通道選擇管理之系統與方法,中華民國發明專利第I357770號, 2012/2/1~2028/1/10. (Assignee: ITRI)
  [8]   鄭瑞光、張瑞益,於無線權杖環協定中具有之多權杖機制的資料傳輸方法,中華民國發明專利第I355826號, 2012/1/1~2027/8/19. (Assignee: NTUST)
  [9]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Ping-Chen Lin, Call admission controller and method thereof and multi-hop wireless backhaul network system using the same, US Patent No.: 8,054,745 B2, 2011/7~2026 (Assignee: NTUST)
  [10]   鄭瑞光、廖立弘,封包傳送方法及使用其之無線網路,中華民國發明專利第I349463號, 2009/5~2026/5. (Assignee: NTUST)
  [11]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Ruei-I Chang, Data transmitting method with multiple token mechanism in wireless token ring protocol, US Patent No.: 7,975,074, 2011/7~2026 (Asignee:NTUST)
  [12]   Fang-Ching Ren, Ray-Guang Cheng, Chie-Ming Chou, and Kun-Ying Hsieh, Systems and methods for channel selection management in a wireless communication network,Japan Patent No.:4695656, 專利期間:2008/1~2028/1 (Asignee: ITRI)
  [13]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Cun-Yi Wang, and Jen-Shun Yang, Distributed medium access protocol for wireless mesh networks, US Patent No.: 7,822,009, 2010/10~2026 (Asignee: ITRI)
  [14]   任芳慶、鄭瑞光、周建銘、謝坤穎,System and methods for channel selection management in a wireless communication network,Koran Patent No.:10-0960705 (專利權人:工研院).
  [15]   Chih-Yung Shih, Ray-Guang Cheng, Chung-Ju Chang, and Yih-Shen Chen, Method for power efficient transmission supporting integrated services over wireless local area network, US Patent No.: 7,653,041, 2010/1~2025.
  [16]   鄭瑞光、黃國瑞、楊人順,用於提供通信網路中的資源分配的通信系統及方法,中華人民共和國發明專利第CN 1108131號 (ZL 200910251218.3), 2013/2/21~2029/11/25. (專利權人:台灣科技大學、工研院) (申請日:2009/12/3、公告日:2012/12/26)
  [17]   鄭瑞光、王村益、楊人順,用於無線網狀網路的分散式媒體存取協定,中華人民共和國發明專利第ZL 200610076593.5號, 2009/8~2026/5. (專利權人:工研院) (申請日:2006/5/8、公告日:2009/8/26)
  [18]   鄭瑞光、王村益、楊人順,在無線網狀網路中進行資料通信之方法以及系統,中華民國發明專利第I309522號, 2009/5~2026/5. (專利權人:工研院) (申請日:2006/5/8、申請號:095116256、公告日:2009/5/1)
  [19]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Method and system for registering communication systems to wireless terminals, US Patent No.: 7,489,919 B2, 2009/2~2023/9 (Assignee: Qisda) (申請日:2004/9/8、申請號:10/935,987、公告日:2009/2/10)
  [20]   Phone Lin, Yi-Bing Lin, Guan-Hua Tu, and Ray-Guang Cheng, Overflow control method for frame synchronization of base stations in wireless communication network system, US Patent No.: 7,359,356, 2008/4~2022/8
  [21]   鄭瑞光、林風、林一平, 用於行動通訊系統之中繼信號傳輸方法,中華民國發明專利第I289999號,專利期間:2007/11~2021/6 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [22]   Jen-Shun Yang, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chien-Chao Tseng, System and method for scheduling protocol data units, US Patent No.: 7,289,468 B2, 2007/10~2023/3 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [23]   鄭瑞光,遠距教學的點名與測驗方法,中華民國發明專利第I287766號,專利期間:2007/10~2026/2 (專利權人:台灣科技大學)
  [24]   鄭瑞光、侯建州,自動收集信息的方法、信息收集系統和移動單元,中華人民共和國發明專利第ZL 200310124276.2 號,專利期間:2007/5~ 2023/11 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [25]   鄭瑞光、洪嘉陽,多重躍進無線網路之省能路由方法,中華民國發明專利第I 274490號,專利期間:2007/2~2025/11 (專利權人:台灣科技大學)
  [26]   鄭瑞光,無線終端登錄通信系統的方法及通信系統,中華人民共和國發明專利第ZL 200310118168.4號,專利期間:2007/1~2023/11 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [27]   鄭瑞光、侯建州,自動收集資訊之方法與資訊收集系統,中華民國發明專利第I261184號,專利期間:2006/9~2023/12 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [28]   Jen-Shun Yang, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Chien-Chao Tseng, Dynamic scheduling for packet data network, US Patent No.: 6,996,061 B2, 2006/2~2026/1 (專利權人:工研院)
  [29]   林風、林一平、塗冠驊、鄭瑞光,無線通信網絡系統中保證基站數據幀同步的溢出控制方法,中華人民共和國發明專利第ZL 02142765.8號,專利期間:2006/2~2026/2 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [30]   楊人順、鄭瑞光、曾建超,對協議數據單元進行調度與傳送的系統和方法,中華人民共和國發明專利第ZL 02117202.1號,專利期間:2005/11~2025/11 (專利權人:達宙通訊)
  [31]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Phone Lin, Yi-Bing Lin, Enhanced honeycomb communication system, US Patent No.: 6,954,612 B2, 2005/10~2025/11 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [32]   鄭瑞光、林風、林一平, 用於移動通信系統的中繼信號傳輸方法,中華人民共和國發明專利第ZL 01137571.X號,專利期間:2005/8~2025/8 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [33]   楊人順、鄭瑞光、曾建超,對協定資料單元進行排程與分送的系統和方法,中華民國發明專利第I 221391號,專利期間:2004/9~2022/3 (專利權人:達宙通訊)
  [34]   鄭瑞光,無線終端登錄通訊系統之方法以及其通訊系統,中華民國發明專利第I 220833號,專利期間:2004/9~2023/9 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [35]   林風、林一平、塗冠驊、鄭瑞光,無線通訊網路系統中保證基地台資料框同步之溢位控制方法,中華民國發明專利第I193852號,專利期間:2003/12~2022/08 (專利權人:明基電通)
  [36]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Code management system and method for CDMA communication networks, U. S. Patent No.: 6,526,065 B1, 2003/2~2019/1. (this patent has been included in 3GPP TR. 25.922, Sec. 8.1, Code Allocation Strategies for FDD Mode) (專利權人:宏碁)
  [37]   楊人順、鄭瑞光、曾建超,用於行動通訊之動態排程之排程器架構及方法,中華民國發明專利第I155247號,專利期間:2002/4~2020/08 (專利權人:工研院)
  [38]   鄭瑞光,用於展頻通訊網路中之展頻碼分配系統及方法,中華民國發明專利第I130172號,專利期間:2001/4~2019/3 (本案列入第三代行動通訊標準3GPP TR. 25.922, Sec. 8.1, Code Allocation Strategies for FDD Mode) (專利權人:工研院)
  [39]   C. J. Chang, H. M Chi, Ray-Guang Cheng, C. P. Lin, and Y. C. Wang, Power-spectrum-based connection admission control for ATM networks, U. S. Patent No.: 6,075,770, 2000/6~2016/11 (專利權人:工研院)
  [40]   C. J. Chang, Ray-Guang Cheng, K. R. Lu, H. Y. Lee, Neural fuzzy connection admission controller and method in a node of an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) communication network, U. S. Patent No.: 6,067,287, 2000/5~2017/9.(專利權人:智邦科技)
  [41]   C. J. Chang, Ray-Guang Cheng, C. P. Lin, M. C. Hsieh, and Y. C. Wang, Traffic control mechanism in ATM communications network, U.S. Patent No.:5,812,526, 1998/9~2015/12 (專利權人:工研院)
  [42]   張仲儒、紀宏銘、鄭瑞光、林宗葆、王耀宗,通訊網路之頻譜允諾控制機制,中華民國發明專利第091844號,專利期間: 1997/12~2117/5 (專利權人:工研院)
  [43]   張仲儒、鄭瑞光、盧崑瑞、李鴻裕,應用於通訊網路之允諾控制方法,中華民國發明專利第089949號,專利期間:1997/10~2016/10 (專利權人:智邦科技)
  [44]   C. J. Chang, L. C. Huang, Ray-Guang Cheng, and J. H. Yu, Method and apparatus used in hashing algorithm reducing conflict probability, U.S. Patent No.:5,633,858, 1997/5~2012/2 (專利權人:智邦科技)
  [45]   張仲儒、鄭瑞光、林宗葆、謝明洽、王耀宗,非同步傳輸模式通訊網路的訊務控制機制,中華民國發明專利第081238號,專利期間:1996/9~2016/3 (專利權人:工研院)
  [46]   張仲儒、黃蓮池、鄭瑞光、余基祥,數據通信網路降低混亂索引法則相衝機率之方法及裝置,中華民國發明專利第071199號,專利期間: 1995/4~2014/7 (專利權人:智邦科技)
  [1]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Jia-Yang Hung, and Yao-Yuan Liu, “Power-strength-based Selective Forwarding (PSF) Mechanism for ODMA Systems,” in Ubiquitous Computing and Communication, Edited by Z. Liu et. al.: Idea Group Publishing, to appear in 2008.
  [2]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Chung-Ju Chang, “CAC and Computational Intelligence,” in Computational Intelligence in Telecommunications Networks, Edited by W. Pedrycz and A. Vasilakos: CRC Press, 2000, Ch. 3, pp. 59~86.
  [1]   Chia-Hung Wei, Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., 3GPP R2-130437, “Dual connectivity for small cell enhancements,” III, RAN2#81, Jan. 2013.
  [2]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Chia-Hung Wei, et al., “Further analysis of group paging for MTC, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#74, 3GPP R2-113198, May 2011.
  [3]   Shiao-Li Tsao, et al., Performance comparison of access class barring and MTC specific backoff schemes for MTC, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#74, 3GPP R2-113197, May 2011.
  [4]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Chia-Hung Wei, et al., “Clarification on the discussion of RACH Collision Probability, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#73bis, 3GPP R2-112198, April 2011.
  [5]   Shiao-Li Tsao, et al., Further analysis on RAN overload control mechanisms, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#73bis, 3GPP R2-112197, April 2011.
  [6]   Chie-Ming Chou, et al., Discussion on time domain eICIC solutions in TDD system, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG1#62, 3GPP R1-104367, Aug. 2010.
  [7]   Chie-Ming Chou, et al., Considerations on PBCH ICIC for CSG HeNB, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG1#61, 3GPP R1-102981, May 2010.
  [8]   Chie-Ming Chou, et al., Consideration of PBCH interference mitigation in Het-Net, 3GPP TSG-RAN WG1#60bis, 3GPP R1-102092, April 2010.
  [9]   Chih-Yuan Lin, Yih-Shen Chen, Fang-Chin Ren, Chun-Yen Wang, Ray-Guang Cheng, Eldad Zeira, “Common feedback channel for E-MBS,” IEEE 802.16 #63.5 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/2168, Sep. 2009.
  [10]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Proposed text for indication of multiple NACKs in a single PRU (E-MBS),” IEEE 802.16 #63 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/1958, Aug. 2009.
  [11]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Proposed text for common E-MBS feedback channel (E-MBS),” IEEE 802.16 #63 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/1957, Aug. 2009.
  [12]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Performance evaluation of user counting method for (E-MBS),” IEEE 802.16 #63 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/1654r1, Aug. 2009.
  [13]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Kanchei (Ken) Loa, et al., “Delay analysis for Type 1 relay,” 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#66, 3GPP R2-093523, May 2009.
  [14]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Kanchei (Ken) Loa, et al., “Delay optimization analysis for Type 1 relay,” 3GPP TSG-RAN WG3#64, 3GPP R3-091420, May 2009.
  [15]   Chih-Yuan Lin, Yih-Shen Chen, Fang-Chin Ren, Chun-Yen Wang, Ray-Guang Cheng, Eldad Zeira, “Common feedback channel for E-MBS,” IEEE 802.16 #63.5 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/2168, Sep. 2009.
  [16]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Performance evaluation of user counting method (E-MBS),” IEEE 802.16 #63 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/1654r1, Aug. 2009. (Presented)
  [17]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Proposed text for common E-MBS feedback channel (E-MBS),” IEEE 802.16 #63 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/1957, Aug. 2009. (Presented)
  [18]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Proposed text for indication of multiple NACKs in a single PRU (E-MBS),” IEEE 802.16 #63 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-09/1958, Aug. 2009.
  [19]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Kanchei (Ken) Loa, et al., “Delay optimization analysis for Type 1 relay,” 3GPP TSG-RAN WG3#64, 3GPP R3-091420, May 2009. (Presented)
  [20]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Kanchei (Ken) Loa, et al., "Delay analysis for Type 1 relay," 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#66, 3GPP R2-093523, May 2009. (Noted)
  [21]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Feng-Ming Yang, Kelvin Chou, Yih-Shen Chen, Chih-Yuan Lin, Paul Cheng, Hung-Yu Wei, Ching-Chun Chou, Jung-Im Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Wookbong Lee, Taegon Kong, Dongcheol Kim, Sungho Moon, GeneBeck Hahn, Hyungho Park, Jaho Koo, Ronny (Yong-Ho) Kim, Jin Sam Kwak, Bin-Chul Ihm, Sukwoo Lee, Kiseon Ryu, HanGyu Cho, Jinsoo Choi, Jin Young Chun, Seung Hyun Kang, Young-Hyoun Kwon, HyunWoo Lee, Jin Lee, Minseok Noh, Aeran Youn, Inuk Jung, Jaewan Kim, Jeongki Kim, Sunam Kim, Youngseob Lee, Giwon Park, Sung Ho Park, Doo-hyun Sung, Wang Yonggang, Zhang Bijun, Chen Yu,Yang Hongwei, Chun-Yen Wang, Frank Ren, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Richard Li, Wei Xie, Tao Tao, Jeong Julie Lee, Jong-kae Fwu, Kamran Etemad, Hujun Yin, Huaning Niu, Yujian Zhang, Changlong Xu, Yuan Y. Zhu, Yangseok Choi, Wenkai Chen, Apostolos Papathanassiou, Yi Hsuan, Xiangying Yang, Roshni M. Srinivasan, Rath Vannithamby, Sophie Vrzic, Robert Novak, Mo-Han Fong, Dongsheng Yu, Jun Yuan, Hosein Nikopourdeilami, Kathirverpillai Sivanesan, Ron Murias, Eldad Zeira, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Chih-Cheng Yang, Whai-En Chen, Bong Ho Kim, Kanchei (Ken) Loa, Chun-Yen Hsu, Chiu-Wen Chen, Yi-Hsueh Tsai, Youn-Tai Lee, Yung-ting Lee, Hua-Chiang Yin, Kaushik Josiam, Baowei Ji, JaeJeong Shim, TaeYoung Kim, Zhouyue Pi, Sudhir Ramakrishna, Qi Wu, Xufeng Zheng, Farooq Khan, Hokyu Choi, Heewon Kang, Rakesh Taori, Lina Liu,Hongjie Si, Xin chang, Yinggang Du, Lei Jin, Ke Zeng, Junxian Mo, Jia Lin, Jianmin Lu, Chongli Liu, Allan Xu, Sean Mcbeath, Zhigang Rong, Yunsong Yang, Hua Xu, Steven Xu, Andrea Bacioccola, Tricci So, Jerry Chow, “Comments on IEEE C80216m-MBS-08-076,” IEEE 802.16 #58 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-MBS-08_084r2, Nov. 2008. (Accepted and included in Sec. of IEEE 802.16m System Description Document (SDD), IEEE 802.16m-08_003r6)
  [22]   Hua Chao, Yonggang Wang, Yongwei Yang, Gang Shen, Kaibin Zhang,Chun-Yen Wang, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Ray-Guang Cheng, Feng-Ming Yang, “Comments on 2nd consolidate draft [section 15.1],” IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/070, Oct. 2008.
  [23]   Chun-Yen Wang, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Ren-Jr Chen, Hsien-Wen Chang, Ming-Chien Tseng, Richard Li, Hung-Yu Wei, Ching-Chun Chou, Ray-Guang Cheng, Kun-Yi Lin, Hsin-Piao Lin, Wern-Ho Sheen, “Proposed ToC for E-MBS RG Harmonized SDD Text Proposal”, IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/008, Oct. 2008.
  [24]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Feng-Ming Yang, Sophie Vrzic, Robert Novak, Mo-Han Fong, Jung-Im Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Wang Yonggang, Zhang Bijun, Chen Yu, Yang Hongwei, Chun-Yen Wang, Frank Ren, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Richard Li, Hung-Yu Wei, Ching-Chun Chou, and YihShen Chen, “Harmonized SDD Text Proposal for E-MBS Feedback,” IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/015r1, Oct. 2008.
  [25]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Feng-Ming Yang, Kelvin Chou, Yih-Shen Chen, Chih-Yuan Lin, Paul Cheng, Hung-Yu Wei, Ching-Chun Chou, Jung-Im Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Wookbong Lee, Taegon Kong, Dongcheol Kim, Sungho Moon, GeneBeck Hahn, Hyungho Park, Jaho Koo, Ronny (Yong-Ho) Kim, Jin Sam Kwak, Bin-Chul Ihm, Sukwoo Lee, Kiseon Ryu, HanGyu Cho, Jinsoo Choi, Jin Young Chun, Seung Hyun Kang, Young-Hyoun Kwon, HyunWoo Lee, Jin Lee, Minseok Noh, Aeran Youn, Inuk Jung, Jaewan Kim, Jeongki Kim, Sunam Kim, Youngseob Lee, Giwon Park, Sung Ho Park, Doo-hyun Sung, Wang Yonggang, Zhang Bijun, Chen Yu, Yang Hongwei, Chun-Yen Wang, Frank Ren, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Wei Xie, Tao Tao, Jeong Julie Lee, Jong-kae Fwu, Kamran Etemad, Hujun Yin, Huaning Niu, Yujian Zhang, Changlong Xu, Yuan Y. Zhu, Yangseok Choi, Wenkai Chen, Apostolos Papathanassiou, Yi Hsuan, Xiangying Yang, Roshni M. Srinivasan, Rath Vannithamby, Sophie Vrzic, Robert Novak, Mo-Han Fong, Dongsheng Yu, Jun Yuan, Hosein Nikopourdeilami, Kathirverpillai Sivanesan, Ron Murias, Eldad Zeira, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Chih-Cheng Yang, Whai-En Chen, Bong Ho Kim, Kanchei (Ken) Loa, Chun-Yen Hsu, Chiu-Wen Chen, Yi-Hsueh Tsai, Yung-Ting Lee, Youn-Tai Lee, Hua-Chiang Yin, Kaushik Josiam, Baowei Ji, JaeJeong Shim, TaeYoung Kim, Zhouyue Pi, Sudhir Ramakrishna, Qi Wu, Xufeng Zheng, Farooq Khan, Hokyu Choi, Heewon Kang, Rakesh Taori, Hua Xu, Steven Xu, “Comments on the 2nd consolidated draft for E-MBS RG SDD text proposal,” IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/052r1, Oct. 2008. (Accepted and included in the MBS SDD Text Draft C80216m-MBS-08-076)
  [26]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Dynamic RRM Support for Enhanced Multicast Broadcast Services,” IEEE 802.16 #57 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-08/1097r2, Sep. 2008.
  [27]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Shiao-Li Tsao, and Fang-Ching Ren, “Proposed text concerning RS grouping,” IEEE 802.16 #55 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-08/101r4, May 2008.
  [28]   Baowei Ji, Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., “Comments on IEEE C80216m-MBS-08-076,” IEEE 802.16 #58 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-MBS-08_084r2, Nov. 2008. (Accepted and included in Sec. of IEEE 802.16m System Description Document (SDD), IEEE 802.16m-08_003r6)
  [29]   Hua Chao, Yonggang Wang, Yongwei Yang, Gang Shen, Kaibin Zhang,Chun-Yen Wang, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Ray-Guang Cheng, Feng-Ming Yang, “Comments on 2nd consolidate draft [section 15.1],” IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/070, Oct. 2008.
  [30]   Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., “Comments on the 2nd consolidated draft for E-MBS RG SDD text proposal,” IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/052r1, Oct. 2008. (Accepted and included in the MBS SDD Text Draft C80216m-MBS-08-076)
  [31]   Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., “Harmonized SDD Text Proposal for E-MBS Feedback,” IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/015r1, Oct. 2008.
  [32]   Chun-Yen Wang, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Ren-Jr Chen, Hsien-Wen Chang, Ming-Chien Tseng, Richard Li, Hung-Yu Wei, Ching-Chun Chou, Ray-Guang Cheng, Kun-Yi Lin, Hsin-Piao Lin, Wern-Ho Sheen, “Proposed ToC for E-MBS RG Harmonized SDD Text Proposal”, IEEE C80216m-MBS-08/008, Oct. 2008.
  [33]   Ray-Guang Cheng and Feng-Ming Yang, “Dynamic RRM Support for Enhanced Multicast Broadcast Services,” IEEE 802.16 #57 Meeting, IEEE C80216m-08/1097r2, Sep. 2008. (Selected by RG Chairs and presented in the meeting, 4 contributions are selected from a total of 16 contributions)
  [34]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Shiao-Li Tsao, and Fang-Ching Ren, “Proposed text concerning RS grouping,” IEEE 802.16 #55 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-08/101r4, May 2008. (Accepted)
  [35]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Fang-Ching Ren, Chie-Ming Chou, and Kun-Ying Hsieh, “Proposal for MS handover procedure in MR network,” IEEE 802.16 #47 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-07/047r1, Jan. 2007. (Presented)
  [36]   Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., “RS involved HO Procedure,” IEEE 802.16 #47 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-07/047r2, Jan. 2007. (Accepted)
  [37]   Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., “MS HO between non-transparent centralized controlled RSs,” IEEE 802.16 #47 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-07/036r1, Jan. 2007. (Accepted)
  [38]   Ray-Guang Cheng, et al., “Procedures supporting MS movement among access stations with same preamble/FCH/MAP,” IEEE 802.16 #48 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-07/174r1, March 2007. (Accepted)
  [39]   Chie Ming Chou, Tzu-Ming Lin, Fang-Ching Ren, Wern-Ho Sheen, I-Kang Fu, Ray-Guang Cheng, Sheng-Shun Chang, and Ping-Chen Lin, “Clarifications for MS handover procedure among access stations with same preamble/FCH/MAP,” IEEE 802.16 #50 Meeting, IEEE C80216j-07/397r4, July 2007. (Accepted)
  [40]   S. Abraham, et al., “802.11 TGs Simple efficient extensible mesh (SEE-Mesh) proposal,” IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting, IEEE 802.11-05/0562r4, Jan. 2006.
  [41]   O. Aboul-Magd, et al., “Joint SEE-Mesh/Wi-Mesh proposal to 802.11 TGs overview,” IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting, IEEE 802.11-06/0329r3, March 2006.
  [42]   O. Aboul-Magd, et al., “Joint SEE-Mesh/Wi-Mesh proposal to 802.11 TGs,” IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting, IEEE 802.11-06/0328r0, March 2006.
  [43]   Ray-Guang Cheng, Cun-Yi Wang, and Jen-Shun Yang, “Ripple: A distributed medium access protocol for wireless mesh networks,” IEEE 802 Wireless Interim Meeting, IEEE 11-05/0392r2, May 2005. (Presented)
  [44]   Hiroshi Furukawa, Yukinori Higa, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Jen-Shun Yang, “IPT Forwarding, 5min Summary,” IEEE 802 Wireless Plenary Meeting, IEEE 802.11-05/770r0, July 2005.
  [45]   Hiroshi Furukawa, Yukinori Higa, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Jen-Shun Yang, “IPT Forwarding Overview,” IEEE 802 Wireless Plenary Meeting, IEEE 802.11-05/680r0, July 2005.
  [46]   Hiroshi Furukawa, Yukinori Higa, Ray-Guang Cheng, and Jen-Shun Yang, “Proposed text for frame forwarding on 802.11s,” IEEE 802 Wireless Plenary Meeting, IEEE 11-05/601r0, July 2005.
  [47]   Ray-Guang Cheng, “Introduction to opportunity driven multiple access (ODMA),” IEEE 802.16 #39, IEEE C802.16mmr-05/012, Sep. 2005. (Presented)
  [48]   S. Abraham, et al., “Simple efficient extensible mesh (SEE-Mesh) proposal overview,” IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting, IEEE 802.11-05/0567r8, Nov. 2005.
  [49]   Ray-Guang Cheng, “Draft proposal for code allocation strategy,” 3GPP TSG-RAN WG2#6, 3GPP R2-99821, Aug. 1999. (Accepted and included in Sec. 8.1, Code Allocation Strategies for FDD Mode, of 3GPP TS. 25.922)

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client
支援巨量機器通訊之5G隨機存取/傳輸程序效能分析與優化 2,127,000 1088 1107 MOST
3GPP Standard Promotion 200,000 1082 1082 CHT
Slicing Technology for 5G IoT 1,100,000 1081 10812 III
Development of IoT Platform 300,000 1073 10712 DataForce
Research on 5G Protocol and Virtualization Technology 1,100,000 1071 10712 III
Application Synthesizer for Application Performance Monitoring 700,000 1071 10712 ITRI
Resource Allocation and Optimization for NB-IoT Random Access Channels 1,669,000 1066 1085 MOST
Research on 5G Open Platform Protocol Technology 1,200,000 1061 10612 III
Smart Closing Open Source Platform 200,000 1059 1066 King's Metal Fiber Technologies
Key Technologies for 5G Cellular Networks Supporting Massive Machine-type Communications and Ultra-low Latency Communications 3,117,000 1058 1087 Ministry of Science and Technology
Research on Medium Access Control Protocol for NB-IoT Networks 703,000 1058 1067 Ministry of Science and Technology
Research on Pre-5G OAI Protocol Open Source Code 800,000 1054 10512 III
Research on Machine-type Communications 344,080 1051 10512 Ministry of Science and Technology
IoT Integrated Cloud Platform 2,600,000 1051 10512 Lanner
Analysis and Research of Next Generation Radio Access Network Open Platform Architecture 600,000 1044 1053 III
3GPP Standard Promotion 100,000 1041 1042 China Telecomm
Porting OpenBTS on top of USRP N210 6,250 10312 10312 National Instructment
103年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫-行動終端應用 250,000 1032 1041 Ministry of Education
無線感測系統 100,000 10210 10212 創控生技股份有限公司
IEEE Wireless Communication Engineering Technology Certification 60,000 10210 10212 Accton
Transient Analysis of Multi-channel Slotted System 3,326,000 1028 1057 MOST
[NCP] Information Engineering in Social Networks, sub-project II: Selecting Referrals in Dynamic Social Networks 781,000 1025 1034 NSC
[NCP] Information Engineering in Social Networks, Main project: Information Dynamic in Social Networks (2/2) 2,796,000 1025 1034 NSC
102年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫-行動終端應用 250,000 1022 1031 MOE
[TW-Czech PPP Project] Overload Control for Machine-to-machine Communications 520,000 1021 10312 NSC
3G Positioning System 415,000 1018 1027 Decision Technology
[NCP] Information Engineering in Social Networks, Main project: Information Dynamic in Social Networks (1/2) 2,824,000 1015 1024 NSC
[NCP] Information Engineering in Social Networks, sub-project II: Selecting Referrals in Dynamic Social Networks 809,000 1015 1024 NSC
[NCP] Human-Centric Communication Network, sub-project II: Broadcast and Multicast in Human-Centric Communication Networks 814,000 1008 1017 NSC
[NCP] Human-Centric Communication Network, Main Project 1,904,000 1008 1017 NSC
[網路通訊國家型計畫]第四代無線通訊之合作暨認知網路技術-子計畫三:支援第四代系統群播與廣播服務之互助網路技術 988000 9908 9907 NSC
[NCP] Human-Centric Communication Network, sub-project II: Broadcast and Multicast in Human-Centric Communication Networks 814000 9908 10007 NSC
[網路通訊國家型計畫]學界參與國際標準建置計畫(III) 753540 9903 10002 NSC
新世代無線網狀網路關鍵技術研究 715000 9808 9907 NSC
[網路通訊國家型計畫]學界參與國際標準建置計畫(II) 760240 9803 9902 NSC
Mobility Management in an MS-aware Relay Network for LTE-Advanced 400000 9801 9812 III
Advanced MBMS Technology 940000 9801 9812 ITRI
Cooperative Networking Techniques Supporting Multicast and Broadcast Services for 4G System 1,025,000 978 987 NSC
Key Technologies Development for Next Generation Wireless Mesh Networks 629,000 9708 9807 NSC
Performance Analysis of Multi-BS MBS Synchronization 500,000 9706 9712 ITRI
Participation in International Standard Activities Program - I 935587 9703 9802 NSC
「家庭網路傳輸標準」教材發展計畫 1200000 9609 9703 Minitery of Education
Sub-project 1: QoS Control Mechanisms for Consumer Networks (2/2) 639,000 9608 9707 NSC
Standard proposal for multi-hop relay in IEEE 802.16 (2/2) 966,000 9608 9707 NSC
QoS Management for WiMAX Systems 1,000,000 9601 9709 BenQ Corp.
Standard proposal for multi-hop relay in IEEE 802.16 (1/2) 966,000 9508 9607 NSC
Sub-project 1: QoS Control Mechanisms for Consumer Networks (1/2) 708,000 9508 9607 NSC
Sub-project 2: QoS Control Mechanisms for Consumer Networks 751,000 9408 9507 NSC
Standards and Patents for 3G Mobile Communication Systems 350,000 9406 9505 ITRI
通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫–第一階段種子教師補助計畫 60,000 9402 9406 教育部
Study of the Service Continuity and the Radio Resource Management for 3GPP-WLAN Interworking 604,500 9308 9407 NSC
Radio Resource Management for ODMA in WCDMA System 587,400 9303 9312 CSIST
Study of WCDMA/OFDM Dual Mode Reconfigable Wireless Nwteorks and Terminal Architecture 800,000 9301 9312 ITRI
Study of the Access Control Mechanism for 3GPP-WLAN Interworking 480,600 9210 9307 NSC
Study of the Access Control Mechanism for 3GPP-WLAN Interworking 480,600 9210 9307 NSC

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
107 Optimization of Random Access Procedure for Machine-type Communications in LTE-based System Ruki Harwahyu
102 Scheduling and Flow Control Mechanisms for Multihop Wireless Networks Ping-Chan Lin
101 Transient-performance Analysis of Random Access Channels in LTE Cellular Networks Supporting Machine-type Communications Chia-Hung Wei
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
108 Implementation and Optimization of Openstack- based Energy Monitoring Service Fransiscus Asisi Bimo Adisatrio
108 Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11ax High Efficiency WLANs Asif Ali Zamzami
Implementation of an open source NB-IoT eNB Chun-Yin Ho
Application Synthesizer for Deployment Automation and Testing Scenario Dwi Hartati Izaldi
108 Estimating drinking water consumption of IoT dispenser system Yu-Ting Cheng
Performance Analysis of Random Access Procedure for 5G NR mmWave System Rong-Zhang Li
108 A Scheduling Framework for Enforcing Network Slicing on RAN Yi-Chung Lin
108 Performance Analysis of Timing Advance Random Access Procedure for NB-IoT Systems Chih-Ling Hsiao
107 Impact of Repetition and Retransmission on Delay and Energy Consumption in NB-IoT Random Access Channels Wei-Tai Chen
107 Mobility Management in Combined Visible Light and Radio Frequency Bands
for Device-to-Device Communication Martin Charvát
107 Development of an Energy-saving System for Water Dispensers Wen-Chi Cheng
107 A Task Scheduling Algorithm for Vehicular Cloud Computing Nikolay Volkov
107 Neighbour Cell List Management for Handover in Mobile Networks Matěj Korych
107 Enhanced Timing Advance based Random Access Procedure for NB-IoT Systems Kai-Hsiang Hsu
Implementation of scheduler on OAI NB-IoT eNB Tian-Ren Liu
107 Developing of the Solar Monitoring System and Cleaning Program Kuan-Chi Chiu
107 Modeling the Impact of Uplink Transmission Parameters on Energy Consumption in Narrowband Internet of Things Systems Jan Rindt
107 Fair Resource Allocation for NB-IoT Random Access Channels Da-Hao Liu
107 Enhanced Timing Advanced based Random Access Procedure for NB-IoT System Kai-Hsiang Hsu
106 Analysis of Distributed Queueing-based Random Access for Machine-type Communications in LTE Bing-Hsun Yang
106 Evaluating Jamming Threat in LoRaWAN Chin-Wei Lin
106 Optimization of NPRACH Resource Configuration in NB-IoT Wan-Rong Tsai
106 Implementation of an IMU-based Real-time Data Acquisition Module Yen-Ting Liu
106 Random Access Procedure for Machine Type Communication in Mobile Networks Yi-Shin Huang
105 Implementation of LoRa End-device and Gateway Yin-Chiu Liao
105 Study of WiFi and LTE Coexistence in the Unlicensed Spectrum Yu-Wei Lin
104 Preamble Allocation for LTE Network Supporting RACH-based Small Data Transmission You-Yi Chu
104 Energy Efficiency Analysis of Small Data Transmission Schemes in LTE Networks David Sijabat
104 Localization of Trapped People using Received Signal Strength Indication Tse-Wen Wang
104 Detection of Trapped People using Quadcopter Tse-Wei Lin
104 Dynamic Waypoint Navigation and Instant Transmission of Measured Data using Raspberry Pi Yu-Sheng Huang
104 Design and Implementation of Internet Traffic Extractor using Hadoop Po-Yao Tsai
104 Preamble Allocation for Two-stage Multi-channel Slotted ALOHA Systems Jie-Yu Wang
103 An OpenBTS Based Self-organizing Emergency Communication System Tse-Han Liu
103 Analysis of Small Data Transmissions using Generalized Multi-channel Slotted Aloha System Chu-Chun Huang
103 Detection and Localization of Trapped People using OpenBTS Wei-Lu Huang
103 Study of Low Cost Mobile Phone Tracking System Scott Huang
102 Load-balanced Green Access Network supporting GSM Femtocell Services Wei-Ling Hsu
102 Multiple Mobile Contents Offloading through Opportunistic Communications Nien-Sheng Chen
102 Analysis of Multi-channel Slotted ALOHA System using Iterative Che-Yuan Chiang
102 Modeling and Analysis of Extended Access Barring Scheme for Machine-type Communications in LTE Networks Dan-Wu Chen
102 Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Group Paging in LTE Networks Al-Taee Firas
102 Enhanced Group Paging Strategies for LTE Networks Ruki Harwahyu
101 Identifying and Analysis of Skype Traffic Chia-Liang Liang
101 Analysis of Slotted Access Overload Control Scheme for LTE Radio Access Network You-Shin Lin
101 Performance Analysis of the Express Forwarding Yu-Ruei Chen
101 Modeling Information Dissemination Dynamics and Referral Selection in Online Social Networks Shin-Herng Huang
100 Path Loss Measurement for WiMAX in Campus Environment Batzaya Ganbat
100 Referral selection algorithm for Human-Centric Communication Networks Pei-Yuan Ku
100 Generalized Radio Resource Management for overlapping MBS zone Fang Lo
100 Physical-carrier-sensing-based Ripple Protocol for Multihop Wireless Backhaul Networks Shang-Yung Tung
100 Flow Control and Bandwidth Allocations Algorithms for LTE-Advanced Relay Networks Yu-Ren Chang
100 Identifying and Analysis of Skype Traffic Chia-Liang Lian
100 Analysis of Slotted Access Overload Control Scheme for LTE Radio Access Network You-Shin Lin
100 Performance Analysis of the Express Forwarding Yu-Ruei Chen
100 Modeling Information Dissemination Dynamics and Referral Selection in Online Social Networks Shin-Heng Huang
99 Performance Analysis of the Express Forwarding Protocol for Multihop Wireless Networks Chou-Yeh Gao
99 Service Architecture Selection for Multicast and Broadcast Services Po-Li Chang
99 Dynamic Modulation and Coding Scheme for Multicast and Broadcast Services Fiona Cheng
98 Radio Resource Allocation for Overlapping MBS Zones Kuo-Jui Huang
98 Anonymous-NACK-Feedback-based RRM for Multicast and Broadcast Service Da-Ruei Liu
98 Enhanced Ripple (E-Ripple) Protocol for Chain-based Multihop Wireless Networks Quang Vu Nguyen
97 WiMAX & HSDPA Interworking Mechanism Edward Yang
97 Performance Analysis of the Time-based Scheduling Mechanism for Multi-hop Wireless Backhaul Networks Ping-Chen Lin
97 Performance Evaluation of RS-involved Handover in IEEE 802.16j Multihop Relay Systems Sheng-Shun Chang
96 Measurement and Analysis of Skype Video Traffic Jian-Hua Lan
95 QoS-aware Scheduling Mechanism for Multi-hop Wireless Backhaul Networks Li-Hung Liao
95 Improved Wireless Token Ring Protocol (IWTRP) for Multi-hop Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks Ruei-I Chang
95 Dynamic Rate Selection Mechanism Supporting Multicast Services for UWB Systems Che-Sheng Lin
95 Rate-adaptive Layered Multicast (RALM) for WiMAX Video Services Wei-Jun Wang
94 Ripple: A Distributed Medium Access Protocol for Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks Cun-Yi Wang
94 Power-efficient Route Discovery (PERD) for ODMA Systems Jia-Yang Hung
Academic Year Project Title Student
99 OpenBTS Wei-Ling Hsu, Tse-Han Liu
98 智慧停車場管理系統之設計與實作 趙開平、李昌暐
98 Femtocell干擾抑制之研究 林明賢
98 群播與廣播服務用戶計數之研究 李翠芬
97 數位辦公室 柯沛辰
97 無線AP測試專題 劉逸民、陳盈志
96 Performance Study of the Improve Wireless Token Ring Protocol Ze-Ping Lin
96 Skype System with Vocie Input Ray-Chang Chen
95 Applied Research for Skype Po-Ting Cheng, Chia-Sheng Lin, Tze-Huei Lee
95 Applied Research for Skype Chen-Long Gao, Ray-Ting Ma, Ren-Heng Liu
95 Feasibility Study of the 802.11e in WiFi Mesh Networks Kuo-Lun Hwa
94 Applicability Study of 802.11 in Wireless Mesh Networks Ping-Chen Lin, Chun-Ting Lee, Mu-Tseng Tan
94 Wireless-controlled Robot Yu-Fong Chou, Ming-Tze Lu
93 Study of Anti-collision Algorithm for EPC System Wei-Chu Sheng
93 Experiments for 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network Yen-Yu Liu, Mong-Hao Chung, Po-Hsin Chen
Year Deeds
2013 Advisor of the team “In-building Femtocell-based Telecomm Networks,” which receives the “Third Group Prize” of System Group, 2013 Universities and Colleges with Creative Application of Network Communication Software Contest
2012 1. Advisor of the team “GSM Femtocell with Skype Services,” which receives the “First Group Prize” of System Group, Universities and Colleges with Creative Application of Network Communication Software Contest
2012 Advisor of the team “Skype-based Smart Roll Call System, ” which receives the “Excellent Work Prize” of Internet Applications and Services Group, Universities and Colleges with Creative Application of Network Communication Software Contest
2012 Jia-Liang Lian, "Skype Traffic Classification and Analysis," which receives the IICM Master Thesis Award
2007 Juo-Lun Hwa, Best Project Award of FY 95, NTUST
2006 Chun-Yi Wang, Best Paper Award, The 7th ITRI CCL Journal