
黃琴雅 CHIN-YA HUANG photo
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Madison,USA

Office Hours
Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/chinya-huang/about-me
Laboratory WIreless SystEm (WISE)
Major Field mmWave Network, 5G Security, Satellite Communication
Course Advanced Computer Networks, Adaptive Signal Processing, Data Communication, Linear System, Wireless Communication System and IoT Applications

2022.08 ~ 迄今 Associate Professor at Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Nation Taiwan University Science and Technology, Taiwan
2018.02 ~ 2022.07 Assistant Professor at Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Nation Taiwan University Science and Technology, Taiwan
2015.08 ~ 2018.01 Assistant Professor at Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Central Univesity, Taiwan
2013.10 ~ 2015.08 Member of Technical Staff at Optimum Semiconductor Tech. Inc., USA
2013.02 ~ 2013.09 Assistant Research Fellow at National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
2012.09 ~ 2012.11 Senior Engineer at Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, USA
2012.03 ~ 2012.09 Engineer at Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, USA
2011.05 ~ 2011.08 Summer Inter at Big Swith Networks, USA
2008.06 ~ 2008.08 Summer Inern at Sanbridge Tech. Inc, USA
2006.09 ~ 2012.03 Research Assistant at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Egnineering, Univ. of Wisoconsin Madison, USA

2024 Teaching Excellence Awards
2024 國立臺灣大學系統「年輕學者創新性合作計畫-第一屆優良成果評選」獲獎

Research Achievement
  [1]   T. -C. Huang, C. -Y. Huang and Y. -C. Chen, "Real-Time DDoS Detection and Alleviation in Software Defined In-Vehicle Networks," in IEEE Sensors Letters, Aug. 2022.
  [2]   Z. Wu, C. -Y. Huang and P. Ramanathan, "Measuring Millimeter Wave based Link Bandwidth Fluctuations during Indoor Immersive Experience," in IEEE Networking Letters, pp.1-5, Mar. 2022.
  [3]   D. Ageng, C. -Y. Huang and R. -G. Cheng, "A Short-Term Household Load Forecasting Framework Using LSTM and Data Preparation," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 167911-167919, Dec. 2021.
  [4]   J. Gunawan and C.-Y. Huang, "An Extensible Framework for Short-Term Holiday Load Forecasting Combining Dynamic Time Warping and LSTM Network," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 106885-106894, Mar. 2021.
  [5]   C.-Y. Huang, H.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Huang, S.-T. Sheu, T.-W. Chiang, T.-L. Cheng and C.-C. Chang, "Listen Before Receive (LBR) Assisted Network Access in LAA and WiFi Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 43845-43861, Mar. 2021.
  [6]   Z. Khan, M. Chowdhury, M. Islam, C.-Y. Huang and M. Rahman, "Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network-Based Attack Detection Model for In-Vehicle Network Security," in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1-4, Jun. 2020.
  [7]   T.-L. Chin, C.-Y. Huang, S.-H. Shen, Y.-C. Tsai, Y. H. Hu, Y.-M. Wu, "Learn to Detect: Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Detection", in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 8867-8878, Nov. 2019.
  [8]   C.-Y. Huang, and P. Ramanathan, “Network Layer Support for Gigatbit TCP Flows in Wireless Networks,” IEEE Tran. on Mobile Computing, pp. 2073-2085, Oct. 2015.
  [9]   C.-Y. Huang, P. Ramanathan, and K. Saluja, “Routing TCP Flows in Underwater Mesh Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, Vol. 29, pp. 2022-2032, Dec. 2011.
  [1]   Z. Wu, C.-Y. Huang and P. Ramanathan "COded Taking And Giving (COTAG): Enhancing Transport Layer Performance over Indoor Millimeter Wave Access Networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2022, pp. 1-6.
  [2]   S. -M. Chan, M. -H. Xie, H. -S. Chang and C. -Y. Huang, "Design and Implementation of a Network Coding Platform based on NetFPGA and ns-3," 2021 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), Nov. 2021, pp. 108-109.
  [3]   H. -J. Huang, C. -Y. Huang and Y. -K. Lee, "PINC: Design and Implementation of Inter-Flow Network Coding in P4-enabled Networks," 2021 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), Nov. 2021, pp. 106-107
  [4]   T.-I. Tsai and C.-Y. Huang, "Exploring the collaborative information practices of domestic and international students through the frameworks of social information seeking and information world mapping," ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting SIG-USE Symposium, Oct. 2020.
  [5]   W.-T. Teng, C.-Y. Huang, S.-H. Shen, T.-L. Chin, C.-A. Shen and H.-Y. Wang, "User Centric Low Latency Data Transmission in Ultra Dense Vehicular Networks," in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), Sep. 2019, pp. 1-5.
  [6]   C.-Y. Huang, P.-S. Lin, T.-I. Tsai and C.-C. Wu, "An evaluation research on project-based teaching: The case of an IoT course in electrical engineering," The 4th International Workshop on Learning Environment and Educational Technology (LEET). Osaka University, Japan, Aug. 2019.
  [7]   Jie Chi Yang, Chia-Hui Chang, Pei-Fen Chang, Yen-Wen Chen, and Chin-Ya Huang, "Design and Evaluation of Capstone Courses for Interdisciplinary Electrical & Information Engineering Education Using CDIO Framework," The 4th International Workshop on Learning Environment and Educational Technology (LEET). Osaka University, Japan, Aug. 2019.
  [8]   C.-Y. Huang, C.-W. Lin, R.-G. Cheng, S. Jay Yang, S.-T. Sheu "Experimental Evaluation of Jamming Threat in LoRaWAN" in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference, Apr. 2019.
  [9]   C.-Y. Huang, C.-Y. Ho, N. Nikaein, R.-G. Cheng, “Design and Prototype of A Virtualized 5G Infrastructure Supporting Network Slicing”, in Proceedings of EEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Nov., 2018.
  [10]   Y.-H. Chen, T.-L. Chin, C.-Y. Huang, S.-H. Shen, R.-Y. Huang, “Time Efficient Energy-Aware Routing in Software Defined Networks”, in Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), Oct. 2018.
  [11]   C.-Y. Huang, W.-W. Chung, C.-Y. Liu, “Design and Implement Dual -Band Wireless Networking assisted Fault Tolerant Data Transmission in Intelligent Building”, in Proceedings of 2018 IEEE VTC-Fall 2018, Aug. 2018.
  [12]   C.-Y. Huang, C.-H. Huang, S.-T. Sheu, T.-W. Chiang, “Enhancing Transmission Performance in the LAA and WiFi Heterogeneous Network”, in Proceedings of 2018 IEEE VTC-Fall 2018, Aug. 2018.
  [13]   C.-Y. Huang and K.-H. Shen, “TAG: Real-time Immersive Content Delivery in Ultra Dense Networks with Wireless Mesh Backhaul,” in Proceedings of IEEE VTC-Spring 2018, Jun. 2018.
  [14]   C.-Y. Huang, H.-Y. Wang, Y.-P. Wu, “SDWDS: Fault Recovery Automation in IoTs,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking, Jun. 2018.
  [15]   H.-H. Liang, T.-W. Chiang, W.-X. Kuo, C.-H. Huang, C.-Y. Huang, S.-T. Sheu, “Hidden Node Avoidance in LTE Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) Networks Using Full Duplex Radio (FDR) Technology,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN), pp. 42-47, 2018.
  [16]   H.-Y. Wang and C.-Y. Huang, ``GPS: SDN based Seamless Packet Delivery in Fog assisted VANET,'' Mobile Computing Workshop, Aug. 2017. (優良論文獎)
  [17]   C.-Y. Huang, Ke Xu, “Reliable Realtime Streaming in Vehicular Cloud-Fog Computing Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Communications in China, Jul. 2016.
  [18]   W. Chung, C. Chang, C. Huang and H. Teng, "A green radio resource allocation scheme for LTE-A CoMP systems with multimedia traffic," 2013 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Xi'an, Aug. 2013, pp. 758-762.
  [19]   W. Chung, C. Chen, C. Huang, C. Chang and F. Ren, "Ant colony-based radio resource allocation for LTE-A systems with MIMO and CoMP transmission," 2013 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Xi'an, Aug. 2013, pp. 780-785.
  [20]   C.-Y. Huang, P. Ramanathan, “Seamless Real-time Content Delivery in Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Jun. 2013.
  [21]   C.-Y. Huang and P. Ramanathan, "Joint association and power adaption in WiFi community networks," 2011 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, MD, Mar. 2011, pp. 1-6.
  [22]   W.-S. Tang, C.-Y. Huang, C.-J. Chang and F.-C. Ren, "QoS-promoted dynamic bandwidth allocation for Ethernet passive optical networks," 2008 Third International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, Hangzhou, Aug. 2008, pp. 252-256.
  [1]   T.-C. Bai and C.-Y. Huang, “SD-FFR: Software Defined Fast Failure Recovery Mechanism in the Automatic Warehouse,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.02040

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client
Low Latency Reliable Transmission in Intelligent Transportation System 0 11108 11207 NST
Study of HTTP/2 Threat in 5G SA Core Network 0 11106 11112 Industry Project
Beamforming based Scheduling in Low Earth Orbit Satellite based Communication 0 11106 11112 Industry project
Hybrid Static-Dynamic Analysis and Testing for Firmware of IoT Endpoint Device(2/2) (Co-PI) 5250000 11105 11204 NSC
Software Module Optimization in Real-time System 0 11103 11106 Industry project
Hybrid Static-Dynamic Analysis and Testing for Firmware of IoT Endpoint Device (1/2) (Co-PI) 4500000 11005 11104 科技部
Electricity Load Forecasting (Co-PI) 0 11002 11007 研揚科技股份有限公司
Load Forecasting Program Transfer and Optimization 270000 11002 11012 產學案
Next Generation Ultra-High-Speed Satellite Communication 300000 10901 10912 台灣大學系統
5G Testing Tools Design and Development 180000 10901 10912 詮隼科技股份有限公司
Immersive Content Delivery in Intelligent mmWave V2X 2671000 10808 11107 科技部
Multi-user based CBRS Domain Communication Technology 153000 10801 10806 工研院
5G物聯網協定切片技術研究 (Co-PI) 1100000 10801 10812 資策會
物聯網全時監控技術可行性驗證 (Co-PI) 800000 10711 1089 財政部
Malicious Small Cell Base Station Detection and Protection in Intelligent Transportation Systems 530000 10708 10807 科技部
CBRS: SAS-CBSD Communication Protocol Research and Development 553000 10707 10806 科技部
CBRS Domain Proxy Communication Technology 400000 10707 10712 工研院
5G 行動通訊協定與虛擬化技術研究 (Co-PI) 0 10701 10712 資策會
Industrial IoT Security and Network Integration Technology - Fault Tolerant Network System 1104439 10611 10803 教育部
Rogue Access Point Detection in Internet of Vehicle 868000 10610 10709 科技部
FPGA based High Speed and High Accuracy Motion Control System Design 150000 10609 10612 邑富有限公司
Multi-user based Visible Light Communication 250000 10608 10612 工研院
Adaptively Route TCP Flows in Wireless Backhaul formed Multi-hop Networks. 400000 10605 10612 工研院
跨領域資電工程教育融入CDIO架構與Capstone實作課程之發展、實施與成效評估-跨領域資電工程教育課程實施與應用 (跨領域工程教育人才培育與研究計畫) (Co-PI) 2654000 10512 10912 科技部

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
112 Performance Evaluation in Control and User Planes of Open-Source 5G Core Networks Peng-Yu Chen
112 QoS-Aware Uplink Scheduling for NB-IoT in LEO Satellite Networks Shih-Han Lin
111 ns-3 and openwifi Integration Interface for Real-time Simulation Platform 江育齊
111 Reliability and Fairness Aware Multi-path Routing for IIoT in Software-Defined mmWave Networks 李御楷
111 Enhancing Energy Efficiency in 5G Small Base Stations with Adaptive Differential Chaos Hawks Algorithm Yu-Chi Chen
110 改善毫米波網路中多使用者於擴增實境與虛擬實境遊戲的波束訓練性能 謝孟樺
110 毫米波IAB網路下基於QoS感知排程及緩衝區管理的單次傳輸方案 張瀚升
109 Hybrid Short-Term Forecasting Framework for Holiday Load Forecasting based on Dynamic Time Warping and LSTM Jeffrey Gunawan
109 Hourly Load Forecasting based on Data Preparation Strategy and LSTM (與鄭瑞光教授共同指導) Derni Ageng
109 Joint User Pairing and Power Allocation Scheme for Short ­Packet Communication in a Downlink HARQ­IR­NOMA System Wei-Jie Wang
109 K-means Detection and Alleviation to DDoS Attack in Software-Defined In-Vehicle Networks Teng-Chia Huang
109 Software Defined Fast Failure Recovery (SD-FFR) Mechanism Ting-Cian Bai
109 Improving the Network Performance of AR/VR Application in Millimeter-wave Cellular Networks through Dual-connectivity and Network Coding Hong-Zhi Huang
108 改善毫米波擷取網路中即時應用服務品質之雙連線傳輸方法 林恒玄
108 CBRS系統的代理人之基於傳輸連續性的動態通道分配演算法 劉思妤
108 CBRS環境中基於代理人的競爭式頻寬定價策略 康晉瑋
108 Base Station based Inconsistent Genetic Power Allocation Algorithm for mmWave and CBRS Cooperative Relay Network Kuan-Cheng Lin
108 毫米波回程網路中同步決策與服務品質感知的共時排程演算法 林秉鉎
108 毫米波非授權頻段中NR-U與WiGig共存之隱藏節點機率分析 楊政勳
Academic Year Project Title Student
112 低軌通訊傳輸技術研究 梁祐豪
112 Hyper Interactive Course Platform for University Students Simon Octavianus
111 SDN網際網路應用 呂長恩、林嘉鼎、簡丞志
110 A SDN-based WiFi-VLC 梁詮濬、周聖平
109 基於安全功能的自走車之網路傳輸應用 王裕盛、林芮佑
108 互聯網應用與實現 陳芃威、謝孟樺、余國維
107 APU的邊緣運算與安全開發 鄭和軒、周俊廷
Year Deeds
2024 碩士班同學吳峻葳錄取新漢暑期實習
2024 碩士班同學陳芃宇論文發表於於IEEE APWCS
2023 碩士班同學白廷謙、李御楷 論文發表於IEEE Networking Letters
2023 碩士班同學林嘉鼎錄取雲基科技實習
2023 碩士班同學林詩涵錄取中華電信暑期實習
2023 碩士班同學簡丞志錄取雲基科技實習
2023 碩士班同學徐智家錄取研揚科技實習
2023 碩士班陳芃宇、林嘉鼎同學獲TANET最佳論文獎
2022 碩士班同學黃泓智錄取聯發科技、瑞昱半導體全職工程師
2022 碩士班同學黃騰加錄取優達科技全職工程師
2022 碩士班同學林秉鉎錄取緯穎科技全職工程師
2022 碩士班同學黃騰加、陳昱錡論文發表於於IEEE Sensors Letters
2022 大學部同學呂長恩、林嘉鼎、簡丞志專題獲最佳人氣獎
2021 碩士班同學張瀚升錄取聯發科技全職預聘
2021 碩士班同學張瀚升錄取聯發科技暑期實習
2021 大學部同學郭訓佑錄取中研院、工研院暑期實習
2021 碩士班同學謝孟樺錄取仁寶科技暑期實習
2021 碩士班同學Jeffrey Gunawan 錄取 Neurelli (耐銳利科技股份有限公司)全職工程師
2021 碩士班同學王韋傑錄取聯發科技、瑞昱半導體全職工程師
2021 碩士班同學林冠成錄取聯發科技全職工程師
2021 碩士班同學康晉瑋錄取MOXA, 聯發科技全職工程師
2021 碩士班同學Jeffrey Gunawan論文發表於IEEE Access
2021 碩士班同學詹舒閔、謝孟樺、張瀚升論文發表於IEEE SDN/DFV Demo
2021 碩士班同學黃泓智、李御楷論文發表於IEEE SDN/NFV Demo
2020 碩士班同學林冠成獲中華電信研究院暑期實習(07/2020~08/2020)、仁寶電腦實習(09/2020~12/2020)
2020 碩士班同學白廷謙、王韋傑、黃泓智 獲經濟部工業局5G Jump暑期實習
2020 碩士班同學謝孟樺獲109學年度電子系研究生獎學金
2020 碩士班同學劉思妤、林恒玄錄取仁寶電腦全職工程師
2020 碩士班同學林恒玄錄取聯發科技全職工程師
2020 碩士班同學林冠成錄取Eurecom實習
2019 碩士班同學Jeffrey Gunawan 獲研揚獎學金與實習
2019 碩士班同學林秉鉎、林恒玄、康晉瑋、楊政勳錄取Eurecom實習
2019 碩士班同學劉思妤、林恒玄論文發表於於IEEE APWCS
2018 碩士班同學林冠成、楊政勳獲107學年度電子系研究生獎學金
2018 碩士班同學林冠成、林秉鉎獲ICNCC論文報告優良獎