
吳晉賢 Chin-Hsien Wu photo
Ph.D. of National Taiwan University

Office Hours PM 2:00 ~ PM 4:00 Monday and PM 2:00 ~ 4:00 Tuesday (Please by appointment)
Telephone 886-2-27303274
Homepage https://www.et.ntust.edu.tw/et/faculty.php?user=chwu
Laboratory 嵌入式計算暨應用實驗室 (IB701-3)
Major Field AI/Machine Learning for Systems and Applications、 Technologies of the IC Controller inside SSDs、Technologies of Advanced Nonvolatile-Memory and Storage Systems、Embedded Systems/Softwares
Course Microcomputer Principles and Applications, Computer Programming and Applications, Embedded Systems and Applications, Cloud Computing

2016.08 ~ 迄今 Professor
2011.02 ~ 2016.07 Associate Professor
2007.08 ~ 2011.01 Assistant Professor
2006.07 ~ 2007.07 中華民國 資訊預官

2012 Session Chair: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2012)
2012 Session Organizer and Chair: IEEE International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2012)
2012 Publicity Chair: IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2012)
2012 中央研究院訪問學人 (2012/7/1~2012/9/2)
2012 擔任「2012 IEYI世界青少年發明展作品選拔活動」複審評審委員
2011 榮獲國科會100年度優秀年輕學者研究計畫獎勵
2011 「2011年ITSA線上程式設計大賽」指導老師,榮獲績優團隊。
2010 Session Chair: IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
2009 Session Chair: International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Systems (UCS 2009)
2008 Session Chair: IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
2008 財團法人旺宏教育基金會第八屆金矽獎初審委員
2008 EEDesign設計學苑課程講師 "嵌入式快閃記憶體檔案系統設計要領"
2006 思源科技教育基金會補助出席ICCAD國際會議
2000 HP惠普科技所舉辦之資訊家電設計大賽第二名

Research Achievement
  [1]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Chia-Cheng Liu, and Po-Cheng Yu, ``A Hash-Based Clustering System Software for Intermittent Computing Devices With NAND Flash Memory’’, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD), vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 2565-2577, Sept. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2024.3380553
  [2]   Yen-Yu Lu, Chin-Hsien Wu, Shih-Jen Li, Cheng-Tze Lee, and Cheng-Yen Wu, ``A Stable Idle Time Detection Platform for Real I/O Workloads’’, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (ACM TACO), Just Accepted (September 2024). https://doi.org/10.1145/3695871
  [3]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Cheng-Tze Lee, Yi-Ren Tsai and Cheng-Yen Wu, ``A Space-Grained Cleaning Method to Reduce Long-Tail Latency of DM-SMR Disks’’, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 23, Issue 2, Article 24 (March 2024), 24 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3643827
  [4]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Liang-Ting Chen, Ren-Jhen Hsu and Jian-Yu Dai, ``A State-aware Method for Flows with Fairness on NVMe SSDs with Load Balance’’, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IEEE TCC), Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 3040-3054, July-Sept. 2023.(This manuscript is an extended version of a regular full paper appeared in the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, July 2022)
  [5]   Yao-Jen Hsu, Chin-Hsien Wu, Yu-Chieh Tsai and Chia-Cheng Liu, ``A Granularity-based Clustering Method for Reducing Write Amplification in Solid-State Drives’’, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 22, Issue 4, pp 1-32, July 2023.
  [6]   Ta-Ching Yu, Chin-Hsien Wu and Yan-Qi Liao, ``CRRC: Coordinating Retention Errors, Read Disturb Errors and Huffman Coding on TLC NAND Flash Memory’’, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), Volume 20, Issue 3, May-June 2023.
  [7]   Po-Chen Yeh, Chin-Hsien Wu, Yung-Hsiang Lin and Ming-Yan Wu, ``A Write-Related and Read-Related DRAM Allocation Strategy inside Solid-State Drives (SSDs)’’, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2023.
  [8]   Chin-Hsien Wu, I-Hung Li and Jian-Jia Chen, ``A Supervised-Learning-based Garbage Collection in Solid-State Drives (SSDs)’’, IEEE IT Professional magazine, Volume 23 Issue 6, November 2021.
  [9]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Hao-Wei Zhang, Chia-Wei Liu, Ta-Ching Yu and Chi-Yen Yang, ``A Dynamic Huffman Coding Method for Reliable TLC NAND Flash Memory’’, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM TODAES), Volume 26, Issue 5, June 2021.
  [10]   Lin, Ming-Hao; Hou, Zhi-Xiang; Cheng, Kai-Han; Wu, Chin-Hsien; Peng, Yan-Tsung. 2021. "Image Denoising Using Adaptive and Overlapped Average Filtering and Mixed-Pooling Attention Refinement Networks" Mathematics 9, no. 10: 1130. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9101130
  [11]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Cheng-Wei Huang and Chen-Yu Chang, ``A Data Placement Method for Databases using Hybrid Storage Systems’’, ACM SigAPP Applied Computing Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, Feb. 22, 2019. (The conference version has been published by ACM RACS 2018.)
  [12]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Dong-Yong Wu, Hong-Ming Chou and Che-An Cheng, "Rethink the Design of Flash Translation Layers in a Component-based View", IEEE Access, 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2718559.
  [13]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Syuan-An Chen, “JOM: A Joint Operation Mechanism for NAND Flash Memory”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 15 Issue 4, August 2016.
  [14]   Dereje Tekilu Aseffa and Chin-Hsien Wu, "A Virtualization-based Hybrid Storage System for a Map-Reduce Framework", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99-D No.9, September 2016.
  [15]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Po-Han Wu, Kuo-Long Chen, Wen-Yen Chang, and Kun-Cheng Lai, "A Hotness Filter of Files for Reliable Non-Volatile Memory Systems," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), Volume 12, Issue 4, July 2015.
  [16]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Kuo-Yi Huang, ``Data Sorting in Flash Memory,’’ ACM Transactions on Storage (ACM TOS), Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2015.
  [17]   Chih-Kai Kang, Yu-Jhang Cai, Chin-Hsien Wu, and Pi-Cheng Hsiu, ``A Hybrid Storage Access Framework for High-Performance Virtual Machines,’’ ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 13, Issue 5s, September 2014.
  [18]   Yu-Jhang Cai, Chih-Kai Kang, and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``A Virtual Storage Environment for SSDs and HDDs in Xen Hypervisor,’’ ACM SIGBED Review (Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems), Volume 11, Number 2, June 2014.
  [19]   J. J. Liao and C. H. Wu, ``A Multi-Controller Architecture for High-Performance Solid-State Drives,’’ ACM SigAPP Applied Computing Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2012.
  [20]   C. H. Wu, ``A Bad-Block Test Design for Multiple Flash-Memory Chips,’’ Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Volume 28, Number 6, 2012.
  [21]   C. H. Wu and H. S. Wu, ``A Data De-duplication Access Framework for Solid State Drives,’’ Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Volume 28, Number 5, 2012.
  [22]   C. H. Wu and H. H. Lin, ``Timing Analysis of System Initialization and Crash Recovery for a Segment-based Flash Translation Layer,’’ ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM TODAES), Volume 17, Issue 2, April 2012.
  [23]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Yu-Hsun Lin, ``A Concurrency Buffer Control in B-trees for Flash-Memory Storage Systems,’’ IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (IEEE ESL), Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2012.
  [24]   C. H. Wu, Chen-Kai Jan, and T. W. Kuo, ``A Low-Memory Address Translation Mechanism for Flash-Memory Storage Systems," Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Volume 27, Issue 5, September 2011.
  [25]   C. H. Wu, ``A Self-adjusting Flash Translation Layer for Resource-limited Embedded Systems," ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 9, Issue 4 (March 2010).
  [26]   P. C. Hsiu, C. H. Wu and T. W. Kuo, ``Maximum-residual multicasting and aggregating in wireless ad hoc networks,'' ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET), Volume 16, Issue 3 (April 2010).
  [27]   C. H. Wu, H. H. Lin, and T. W. Kuo, “An Adaptive Flash Translation Layer for High-Performance Storage Systems,”IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD), Vol. 29, No. 6, June 2010.
  [28]   C. H. Wu, ``An Energy-Efficient I/O Request Mechanism for Multi-Bank Flash-Memory Storage Systems,'‘ ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM TODAES) , Volume 14, Issue 1 (January 2009).
  [29]   C. H. Wu, L. P. Chang, and T. W. Kuo, ``An Efficient B-Tree Layer for Flash-Memory Storage Systems,'‘ ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Volume 6, Issue 3 (July 2007).
  [30]   C. H. Wu, T. W. Kuo, and L. P. Chang, ``The Design of Efficient Initialization and Crash Recovery for Log-based File Systems over Flash Memory,'‘ ACM Transactions on Storage (ACM TOS), (4): 449-467 (2006).
  [1]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Chi-Yen Yang, ``A Low-Complexity Coding Method for Mitigating Retention Errors and Read-Disturb Errors in TLC NAND Flash Memory’’, ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2022), Virtual Conference, October 3 - 6, 2022.
  [2]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Chian-Shiang Ou Yang, ``An Integrated Subpage-aware Write Method in Large-Page-based SSDs’’, IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (IEEE NVMSA 2022), Taipei, Taiwan (Hybrid Conference).
  [3]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Liang-Ting Chen, ``A State-aware Method for Flows with Fairness on NVMe SSDs with Load Balance’’, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2022), Hybrid Event in Barcelona, Spain.
  [4]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Yi-Lun Lan, Wei-Hao Wu and Chi-Yen Yang, ``A Retention-Error Mitigation Method on TLC NAND Flash Memory for CE Storage Systems’’, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2021), Penghu, Taiwan.
  [5]   Chun-Zhang Zheng and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``A Hybrid Computational Storage Architecture to Accelerate CNN Training,’’ International Computer Symposium (ICS 2020), Tainan, Taiwan. (The Second Best Paper Award)
  [6]   Yi-Ying Lu, Chin-Hsien Wu and Ya-Shu Chen, ``A Machine-Learning-based Data Classifier to Reduce the Write Amplification in SSDs’’, ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2020), Gwangju, Korea.
  [7]   Yan-Tsung Peng, Ming-Hao Lin, Chun-Lin Tang and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``Image denoising based on overlapped and adaptive Gaussian smoothing and convolutional refinement networks’’, IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2019), San Diego, CA, USA.
  [8]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Po-Ling Lin, YuHun Hu and Ming-Yang Du, ``A Data Sanitization Method for Mobile Devices with NAND Flash Memory’’, ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2019), Chongqing, China.
  [9]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Cheng-Wei Huang and Chen-Yu Chang, ``A Priority-based Data Placement Method for Databases using Solid-State Drives’’, ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2018), Honolulu, Hawaii.
  [10]   Chin-Hsien Wu, Chien-Wei Chen, and Kai-Chun Wang, ``A Cost-Aware Object Management Method for In-Memory Computing Frameworks’’, The 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2018), Pau, France.
  [11]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Ting-Wei Wang, ``A Demand-based Caching Method for Garbage Collection in Flash-Memory Embedded Systems’’, 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017), Nagoya, Japan.
  [12]   Hung-Yi Sung, Chin-Hsien Wu, and Dereje Tekilu Aseffa, ``Collaboration of Merge Operations in Hybrid-Mapped Flash Translation Layers with the Multi-Controller Design’’, ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2016), Odense, Denmark.
  [13]   Chin-Hsien Wu and Kuo-Yi Chao, "FAWB: A File-Aware Write Buffer Management Method for NAND Flash Memory", ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS), October 09-12, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
  [14]   Yun-Chi Lee and Chin-Hsien Wu, "A Crossbar-Based Controller Design for Flash Memory", The 4th IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE 2015).
  [15]   Hung-Yi Sung and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``Increasing Multi-controller Parallelism for Hybrid-mapped Flash Translation Layers," 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8707, pp. 567-570.
  [16]   Ruei-Jyun Huang and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``A MapReduce Framework for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices,`` IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IEEE IGBSG 2014).
  [17]   Maw-Yi Chou and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``PMCD: A Parallel Multi-Controller Design for Solid-State Drives," ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2013).
  [18]   Yu-Jhang Cai, Chih-Kai Kang, Chin-Hsien Wu, and Pi-Cheng Hsiu, ``A Hybrid Storage Access Framework for Virtual Machines," 19th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications RTCSA 2013.
  [19]   J. J. Liao and C. H. Wu, ``A Multi-Controller Design for Solid-State Drives,'' ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium (ACM RACS 2012) and Work In Progress (WIP) session of ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC 2012).
  [20]   C. H. Wu, ``Data Sorting in Flash Memory,'' 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2012).
  [21]   C. H. Wu and H. S. Wu, ``A Data De-duplication Access Framework for Solid State Drives,'' 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2011).
  [22]   Po-Hen Lin, Kai-Shen Huang, Chin-Hsien Wu, and Zeng-Wei Hong, ``A Resource Management Model for Ubiquitous Computing Environments,'‘ 14th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2011)
  [23]   P. Y. Wu and C. H. Wu, ``Improving Knowledge Discovery in Database by Using MapReduce,'‘ 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering (TCSE) and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA)
  [24]   K. Y Chin, C. H. Wu, and Z. W. Hong, ``A Humanoid Robot as a Teaching Assistant in Primary School,'' 5th IEEE International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2011).
  [25]   J. H. Hu, C. H. Wu, and C. H. Lin, ``A Middleware Design for Multiple Embedded Database Systems,'' 14th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2010)
  [26]   Chang-Hong Wu and Chin-Hsien Wu, ``An Ubiquitous Data Delivery System in Hybrid Wireless Environments,'' 5th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2010).
  [27]   C. H. Wu, W. Y. Chang, and Z. W. Hong, ``A Reliable Non-Volatile Memory System: Exploiting File-System Characteristics,'' 15th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (IEEE PRDC’09)
  [28]   S. F. Yang and C. H. Wu, ``A Low-Memory Management for Log-based File Systems on Flash Memory,'' 15th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (IEEE RTCSA 2009)
  [29]   C. H. Wu, ``Challenging issues for embedded storage systems: exploiting file-system characteristics,'' Asian Workshop on Ubiquitous and Embedded Computing (AWUEC 2009) [An invited talk]
  [30]   C. H. Wu, ``A Time-Predictable System Initialization Design for Huge-Capacity Flash-Memory Storage Systems,'‘ IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis, Atlanta, USA, October 2008 (IEEE/ACM/IFIP CODES+ISSS 2008)
  [31]   C. H. Wu, ``A Flash Translation Layer for Huge-Capacity Flash Memory Storage Systems,'' 6th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (IEEE AICCSA 2008).
  [32]   Z. W. Hong, K. Y. Chin, Y. P. Liou, J. M. Lin, and C. H. Wu, ``An Agent-Based Internet Advertising System by Using PULL Mechanism,'‘ accepted and to appear in the 3th IEEE International Symposium on Information Technology (IEEE ITSim 2008)
  [33]   C. H. Wu, T. W. Kuo, and C. L. Yang, ``A Space-Efficient Caching Mechanism for Flash-Memory Address Translation,'‘ The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing, Gyeongju, Korea (IEEE ISORC 2006)
  [34]   C. H. Wu, T. W. Kuo, and L. P. Chang, ``Efficient Initialization and Crash Recovery for Log-based File Systems over Flash Memory,'' ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, April 23-27, 2006, Dijon, France (ACM SAC 2006)
  [35]   C. H. Wu and T. W. Kuo, 2006, “An Adaptive Two-Level Management for the Flash Translation Layer in Embedded Systems,” IEEE/ACM 2006 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), November 5-9, 2006
  [36]   C. H. Wu, T. W. Kuo, and C. L. Yang, 2004, ``Energy-Efficient Flash-Memory Storage Systems with Interrupt-Emulation Mechanism,'‘ IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 2004 (IEEE/ACM/IFIP CODES+ISSS 2004)
  [37]   C. H. Wu, L. P. Chang, and T. W. Kuo, ``An Efficient B-Tree Layer for Flash-Memory Storage Systems,'' The 9th IEEE International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications (IEEE RTCSA 2003)
  [38]   C. H. Wu, L. P. Chang, and T. W. Kuo, ``An Efficient R-Tree Implementation over Flash-Memory Storage Systems,'' The 11th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2003)

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client
基於快閃記憶體存取的固態硬碟之關鍵改善技術 11108 11407 科技部
針對新世代快閃記憶體之關鍵技術 10808 11107 科技部
針對SSD固態硬碟幾何特性做IO排程最佳化 10701 10712 科技部
針對巨量資料、虛擬化、異質性儲存裝置之協同系統設計 10508 10807 國科會
針對固態硬碟的多虛擬機器之高效能存取研究 10308 10507 國科會
針對大容量固態硬碟的多控制器架構設計 10008 10307 國科會
針對大容量固態硬碟的前瞻性研究 9908 10007 國科會
前瞻晶片系統設計(SOC)學程 – 共同主持人 9902 10001 教育部
基於多核心架構下以快閃記憶體為主的嵌入式資料庫之索引設計 9808 9907 國科會
前瞻晶片系統設計(SOC)學程 – 共同主持人 9803 9901 教育部
以快閃記憶體做為儲存媒介的嵌入式資料庫系統之設計 9708 9807 國科會
針對大容量快閃記憶體儲存系統的快閃記憶體轉換層之研究 9610 9707 國科會

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
111 歡迎對固態硬碟內部的IC控制晶片或先進記憶體的關鍵技術有興趣的學生
111 目前學生資訊維護在
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
111 歡迎對固態硬碟內部的IC控制晶片或先進記憶體的關鍵技術有興趣的學生
111 目前學生資訊維護在
100 Study and Development of External Sorting Methods in Flash Memory Kuo-yi Huang
99 See and Play: A Mobile Control System based on Cloud Computing Yu-Hsun Lin
99 An Efficient Hot-Cold File Filter for Android Systems Kun-Cheng Lai
99 A Multi-controller Design for Huge-capacity Solid-State Drives Jhih-Jian Liao
98 A Survey of Index Structures on Flash–Memory Storage Systems Po-wen Meng
98 An Ubiquitous Data Delivery System in Hybrid Wireless Environments Chang-Hong Wu
98 A Flash Translation Layer for Time-Adjustable System Initialization and Crash Recovery Hsin-Hung Lin
98 A Middleware Design for Multiple Embedded Database Systems Jhe-Hao Hu
98 A Resource Management Model for Ubiquitous Computing Environments Po-Heng Lin
97 A Reliable Non-Volatile Memory System: Exploiting File-System Characteristics 張文彥
97 A Low-Memory Management for Log-based File Systems on Flash Memory 楊順發
Academic Year Project Title Student
111 對專題有興趣請直接寫信跟我聯絡
97 一個RFID的應用提供監督查核的機制 陳柄華&陳彥捷
97 A FPGA-based NAND Flash Controller 黃健軒
97 快閃記憶體(nand flash)控制器 周瑞源&李厚昇
97 Windows Device Driver及USB的研究 葉建信
Year Deeds
2011 指導研究生進入「九十九學年度全國大學校院嵌入式系統(ES)設計競賽」的決賽,並獲得設計完整獎。
2011 「2011年ITSA線上程式設計大賽」指導老師,榮獲績優團隊。