
許孟超 Mon-Chau Shie photo
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Office Hours
Major Field Embeded System, Linux Operation System, Digital Video System (MPEG), FPGA Digital System Design, Computer Architecture, Verilog Hardware Description Language
Course Computer Architecture, Digital Logic/Lab., Microcomputer System Design/Lab.

2001.08 ~ 迄今 Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering of NTUST
1988.08 ~ 2001.08 Instructor, Department of Electronic Engineering of NTUST

Research Achievement
  [1]   Po-Hung Chen, Hung-Ming Chen, Kuo-Jui Hung, Wen-Hsien Fang, Mon-Chau Shie and Feipei Lai, “Markov model fuzzy-reasoning based algorithm for fast block motion estimation,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 17, Issue 1, 131-142, Feb. 2006
  [2]   Mon-Chau SHIE, Wen-Hsien FANG, Kuo-Jui HUNG, Feipei Lai, "Fast, Robust Block Motion Estimation Using Simulated Annealing," IEICE Trans.s on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, vol.E83-A, no.1, pp.121-127. January. 2000
  [1]   Chi-Chia. Sun, Shanq-Jang Ruan, Mon-Chau Shie and Tun-Wen. Pai, "Dynamic Contrast Enhancement based on Histogram Specification," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 4, NOVEMBER 2005 (SCI/EI)
  [2]   Bo-Yao Lin, Chi-Chia Sung, Shanq-Jang Ruan, and Mon-Chau Shie "A Novel DCT architecture for Quality and Power Efficient" IEEE International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP 2005), May 2005.
  [3]   Chi-Chia Sung, Shanq-Jang Ruan, Bo-Yao Lin, and Mon-Chau Shie, "Quality and Power Effcient Architecture for the DiscreteCosine Transform" IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals," vol. E88-A, no. 12, Dec. 2005 (SCI/EI)
  [4]   Po-Hung Chen, Hung-Ming Chen, Kuo-Jui Hung, Mon-Chau Shie, and Feipei Lai, “A robust fuzzy reasoning based algorithm for fast block motion estimation,” The 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS’02): Fuzzy Systems, Nov. 21-24, 2002, Kaoshiung, Taiwan,.
  [5]   Po-Hung Chen, Kuo-Liang Yeh, Mon-Chau Shie and Feipei Lai, “Fast block matching algorithm based on video motion type using BITCEM object tracking technique,” The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS’01): Digital Video Processing, Nov. 20-21, 2001, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  [6]   Po-Hung Chen, Kuo-Liang Yeh, Mon-Chau Shie and Feipei Lai, “BITCEM: An adaptive block motion estimation based on center of mass object tracking via binary transform,” The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Circuits and System (SCS’01): Image Processing, Jul. 10-11, 2001, Iasi, Romania.

Research Achievement
Title Total Amount Conduct From Conduct Until Client
內建存取裝置之智慧型無線網路通訊閘 9311 9410 國科會
嵌入式uClinux的應用與驅動程式開發 9206 9305 國科會

Academic Year Thesis Title Student
95 Polygonal Field Programmable Gate Array Using a Novel Routing Algorithm Jian Zhao-Ren
Academic Year Thesis Title Student
100 Intelligent Streetlamp Control System for Energy-Saving and Management CHIH-MIN CHANG
100 ARM Cortex-A8 NEON Architecture Study and Implementation- Based on TI OMAP3530 Wei-hung Wen
100 FREERTOS Based Micro Embedded System with Dynamic Webpage control Capability Dong-Sun Shie
100 Auto tuning PID Control Methods Application in Kiln Thermal Controller Chao-Yi Wu
100 Using low-cost High-speed cameras of the Baseball Trajectory Reconstruction and Rotation Analysis System Ben-shang Lin
100 Implementation of Abandoned Object Detecting System Based on Compact Codebook Model Hsin-Jen Lee
100 License Plate Recognition System based on FPGA Tsung-mao Su
100 A Parallel Real-Time Multiple Face Recognition System Wei-Hsuan Wu
99 Recognize Between Real and Fake Human Faces Using Skin Reflectance Jeng-Hung Chen
99 Hardware I/O Port Scheme for Java Application Lih-cherng Shiao
99 A Hybrid Message Passing/Shared Memory Parallelization of License Plate Recognition System TSANG-SHI YE
99 Automatic Detection System for LCD Panel Spacer Wei-Che Kao
99 Low Cost Baseball Detection and Three Dimension Trajectory Reconstruction System Kai-Chun Chan
99 Development and Research of OBS with Recording System and Release Device Wen-Chieh Cheng
99 License Plate Recognition System for Moving Video Streams Wei-Shang Chang
99 8-ch Ultrasonic Signal Generator Based on FPGA Shih-Fan Yang
99 CMOS Image Sensors Synchronization and Implementation of 3D Camera Yu-Hsiang Chen
98 A Parameterized-K Algorithm to Save CMY Color Toner Usage Sheng -sung Tseng
98 Implementation of a Hand-Held Remote-Control Monitor System in Digital Home Huei-Yuan Wang
98 Intelligent Plug Power Meter Hsin-Wei Ho
98 Implementation of Pedestrian Tracking and Counting System Based on Motion History Images Guan-ting Liu
98 SOPC based circle deteciton system used in industrial automation CHENG-RUEI WEI
98 Real-time Baseball Detection and Three-Dimension Trajectory Reconstruction System With Unsynchronized Cameras Shang-Chih Lin
98 Implementation of the license plate information management and recognition system based on hand-held mobile device Zhi-rong Hsu
98 Application of Ethernet for Virtual Serial Port RS-232 System Design CHIA-YU TSAI
98 An Approach to the Generator for USB I/F Firmware and WDM Driver Tyng-Horng Tsai
97 License Plate Detection and Character Segmentation System Base on SoPC Hong-Hsiang Chen
97 A Machine Vision System for Medium-Small sized Monochrome STN LCM Dot Defects Inspection Based on SOPC Yi-Long Chen
97 Embedded Real-time Human Face Detection and Recognition System Yu-chi Hsieh
96 SoPC Based Low-Cost and Fast Measurement System for LCD Gamma Curve Yei-En Lin
96 Software Design and Image Rectification for SoPC-Based High-Speed Videography System using Camera Sensor Array Shou-Yuan Chen
96 The Development of Vision Platform for Interactive Projector Game Yu-Hsuan Kung
96 Multiple License Plate Detection Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Morphological Hardware Design Kuo-Hsiu Wu
96 Embedded Real-Time Multiple Vehicle License Plate Recognition System Chih-Wen Lee
95 Software design and image rectification for sopc-based high-speed videography system using camera sensor array Shou-Yuan Chen
95 Implementation and optimization of the motion estimation for H.264 on TI DM6446 DSP Jia-Hong Wang
95 Adapted fast block mode decision algorithm for H.264 Zhe-Hong Su
95 Sopc based low-cost and fast measurement system for LCD gamma curve Yan-Ying Lin
95 Implementing the SOPC hardware structure of the high speed camera via multiple CMOS sensors Zi-Fan Zheng
95 Baseball detection and tracing system by multiple cameras Wei-Zhang Ma
94 Implementation and optimization of JPEG2000 wavelet transform on ADSP-BF533 blackfin processor Xu-Zheng Chen
94 Baseball detection in broadcast video and trajectory reconstruction Xiong-Yan Luo
94 FPGA architecture for accelerating character recognition algorithm (implementation and verification on SOPC) Qie-Ming Xu
94 Implementing high performance face detection algorithm of complex background in SOPC Chi-Yi Liu
94 Implementation of license plate recognition on embedded arm system Da-Kun He
94 SOPC-based fingerprint identification system Yuan-Zhi Zheng
94 Smart embedded network video center Sheng-Han Qiu
93 SOPC Based Face Recognition System Lu Yuan-Hao
93 A Fast and Efficient Architecture for Circular Hough Transform on FPGAs Zhan Zu-Huai
93 Hardware architecture design for adaptive predictive line seach Huang Yu-Nan
93 Implement and Optimize XVID Encoder In Blackfin DSP Platform Ji Quan-En
93 The research of MPEG-4 video encoder hardware design and FPGA implementation Xiu-Zheng Lai
Academic Year Project Title Student
96 以Verilog實現算術電路 柯以德
96 3D物件追蹤 高偉哲
96 棒球測速系統 詹凱鈞
96 ARM7 Single Chip-MP3/SD Card Player & Recorder 許嘉豪
96 FPGA-based Ethernet to Multi-Serial Port Guo-Huei Chung
96 生物活動影像監視系統 張瑋珊
95 以SOPC為基礎實現之浮點運算 黃耀陞
95 Linux驅動程式 張家銘
95 32bit RISC CPU設計與製作 王俊祥
95 WinARM7單晶片應用 杜彗溶
95 以ARM及Qtopia實現數位相框 董盈里
95 以ARM及Qtopia圖型介面實現可攜式多媒體播放器 郭柏瑋
95 以ARM及Qtopia圖型介面實現無線網路象棋對弈 趙永誠
Year Deeds
2007 許嘉豪同學榮獲【微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽】─ 嵌入式組第三名